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Operators are not allowed to leave (during the machine's operation) while machines are running. The machine must be stopped immediately if it malfunctions.

Operator: Tell me your address please. 调度员:请问您住在哪里?
Operator: The ambulance will be there soon. 调度员:救护车马上就到。
Operator: What's the full name, please? 接线生:请问全名是…?
Operator: abdominal pain, any diarrhea, vomiting and giddiness? Is her menses normal? 调度员:肚子痛,是否有腹泻、呕吐、头晕?月经正常吗?
Operators are just functions with funny names and syntax. 操作符只是有着有趣名字和语法的函数。
Operators are not allowed to leave (during the machine's operation) while machines are running. The machine must be stopped immediately if it malfunctions. 机床运转中,操作者不得离开岗位,机床发现异常现象立即停车。
Operators conducting operation with fire danger like electrical welding and gas welding or operators for automatic fire control system, must hold relevant certificates and strictly observe operation rules on fire control safety. 进行电焊、气焊等具有火灾危险的作业的人员和自动消防系统的操作人员,必须持证上岗,并严格遵守消防安全操作规程。
Operators in this Law refer to legal persons, other economic organizations and individuals engaging in the trading of goods or profit-making services. (Goods mentioned below include services. 本法所称的经营者,是指从事商品经营或者营利性服务(以下所称商品包括服务)的法人、其他经济组织和个人。
Operators may face such difficulties because computer designers and programmers have frequently sacrificed ease of use in the quest for better performance. 操作人员之所以面临此种困境,可能是因为电脑设计者及程式设计师为了追求更高的效能,常常会牺牲使用上的便利。
Operators mounted perpendicular to pipe. 执行机构安装方向与管道垂直。
Operators must be familiar with the operation of linear cutting machines. (Lubricating oil must be injected to related parts required) Lubricate the related parts according to requirement. (Lubricating oil) The lubricant must meet the (requirements printe 必须熟悉线切割机床的操作技术,开机后应按设备润滑要求,对机床有关部位注油润滑,润滑油必须符合机床说明书的要求。

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