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Nowadays Chinese people, especially the younger generation, confess their love openly and confidently.

Nowaday, the international situation is experiencing complex and profound changeing, however, the trend of multipolar doesn't change. 当前,国际形势正在发生复杂而深刻的变化,但世界走向多极化的趋势并未改变。
Nowadays , the society has more and more peoplerealizing that adolescence crime is a cancer of society . 现在,社会上有越来越多的人意识到青少年犯罪是社会的一大毒瘤。
Nowadays .our environment is getting worse and worse . 如今,我们的环境越来越糟了。
Nowadays China has provided such portrayers with astonishing richness of subject matters. 今日中国为这种叙述者们提供了丰富得令人惊诧的题材。
Nowadays China is in the key period of reform and development, therefore it's essential to establish proper concept of honor and Shame which is suitable for socialistic market economy system and science plays a important role of supporting and shaping it. 当前,我国正处于改革发展的关键时期,迫切需要建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的正确的社会荣辱观,科学的作用正是对这种精神力量的支撑和塑造。
Nowadays Chinese people, especially the younger generation, confess their love openly and confidently. 眼下,中国人,特别是年轻一代,表白爱慕之情公开而大胆。
Nowadays I add, subtract, multiply, and do long division when no calculator is handy, and I can do algebra and geometry and even trigonometry in a pinch, but that is about all that I've kept from the language of numbers. 现在的我,若是手边没有计算器,便通过心算处理加减乘除;有必要时,我还能应付代数、几何,甚至三角运算;但是话说回来,数字世界留给我的也就只有这些零星点滴了。
Nowadays I carry with me to consulting gigs a little driver that patches their driver to eliminate the spew. 现在我记得我的短期咨询的一点启动,它补丁他们的驱动来消除这个漏洞。
Nowadays WICKED means cool or hip. 现在WICKED的意思是酷或很棒。
Nowadays a few people are always money-oriented. 现在一些人总是一切向钱看.
Nowadays a few persons always seek for money. 现在一些人总是一切向钱看.

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