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Old)Rotation is due to shoulder roll.

Old yang your work is how find? 老杨你的工作是怎样找到的?
Old “um-er” is going to make a fool of himself’' 老嗯儿要去自己笨蛋'
Old)Arms act as pulling agent that move water back. 老:手臂好像划水的工具,把水推到脚下.
Old)Breaststroke is a well timed synchronization of arm pulls and leg kicks. 老:蛙应该是拉臂蹬腿的紧密配合.
Old)Keeping head down and in line produces more drag. 老:这样做会产生较大的阻力.
Old)Rotation is due to shoulder roll. 老:转动是由于肩的转动使然.
Old)Waterline on head is above goggle line on free and lower head on back. 老:自时水线在泳镜上线;仰时在较低处.
Old, as in the well-known song Auld Lange Syne(The Good Old Days). 意为“古老的”,如在著名的苏格兰民歌《友谊天长地久》中。如果按字面意思直译,意为“昔日的(或经久的)友谊”。
Old, round time was outside ourselves, far enough removed from us so we could ignore it if we so chose. 这种圆形钟表所表示的时间处于我们体外,与我们还有相当一段距离,只要我们愿意,就可以对其不予理睬。
Old-Earth Creationism - which maintains that the physical universe was created by God, but that the creation event of Genesis is not to be taken strictly literally. 古老地球创造说-它主张上帝创造了物质宇宙,只是起源记里的创造事件不是完全那样的。
Old-fashioned housewives were usually very saving. 旧时的家庭主妇通常都很节俭。

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