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The city's population is approximately about a million.

The city's liberation of Paris came less than three months after the Allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy. 在盟军成功登陆诺曼底后不到三个月,巴黎终于迎来了解放。
The city's motorists, Alex, who is actually a member of an elite SWAT unit, is engaged in a high-speed motorcycle chase. 表面上是电单车手的亚历士,实际工作是反暴动特警组队员。
The city's new bus system is very modern. 这个城市的新公车系统非常现代化。
The city's night filled with prosperity and vitality has faithfully recorded the merging of the Eastern and the Western civilizations as well as the process of uninterrupted innovation. 繁华而又充满活力的上海之夜,忠实地记录着这座城市东西方文明的交汇和不断创新发展的历史足迹。
The city's organic growth hasn't exactly made it the easiest place to navigate. 这个城市有组织的发展并没有使得其成为易于驾驶的地方。
The city's population is approximately about a million. 全市人口估计大约有一百万。
The city's rail line made it the terminus of one of the most controversial and ambitious engineering feats of World War II: the building of a military supply road through Burma, then held by the Japanese. 正因为利多拥有铁路网线,才使这个城市成为二战中最具争议和野心的工程壮举的终点站:穿越日军占领的缅甸,建筑一条军事补给线路。
The city's streets form a grid. 这城市的街道组成一个网状组织。
The city's transportation system is so challenging that would-be cab drivers must pass a test demonstrating that they possess “The Knowledge” in order to drive traditional black cabs. 这里的交通系统是如此的卓越,因为每个出租车司机必须通过一个测试来验证他们是否具有“这种知识”来驾驶他们那种传统的黑色出租车。
The city's transportation would depend largely on light railway so as to minimize air pollution. 岛上以轻便铁路作主要交通工具,以减低空气污染。
The city's “harmony index”, a separate effort to measure feelings in Beijing, has been rising 3.1% a year on average since 2001 (notwithstanding a notice recently erected by the police in your correspondent's neighbourhood warning women not to venture out 此外,在北京进行的另一项情感测试显示,自2001年以来,城市的“幸福指数”正以年均3.1%的速率上升(尽管最近警方还在发出告示,妇女不要单独出行)。

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