If one of your objectives is to set the scene for social bonding, allocate your mealtime to that objective.
如果你有一个议题是为一个社会性聚会设置场景,在你吃饭的时候讨论它。 |
If one or more of the following statements is true, you are at the midway point of your journey. Welcome to Stage 3.
如果以下情况有一个或者多个符合你的情况,说明你的项目已经进行了一半,欢迎来到第三阶段。 |
If one or more of the following statements is true, your organization is likely ready to embark on Stage 1 of the journey.
如果下面所列的情况有一个是属于事实的,那么你的组织已经做好的准备,请进入知识管理第一阶段。 |
If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.
26若一个肢体受苦,所有的肢体就一同受苦。若一个肢体得荣耀,所有的肢体就一同快乐。 |
If one partner dies,retires or simply wants to withdraw his /her capital,the partnership will have to break up unless the remaining partners are able and willing to buy out the leaving partner's share.
假如—个合伙人逝世,退休或只是`想抽走他或她的资本,除非余下的合伙人能够且愿意买走将离开的合伙人的股份,该合伙制企业将被迫解散。 |
If one party fails to perform the arbitration adjudication within the time limit set by the arbitration adjudication, the other party concerned may apply to the people's court with jurisdiction for enforcement.
当事人一方在仲裁裁决规定的期限内不履行仲裁裁决的,当事人另一方可以向有管辖权的人民法院申请执行。 |
If one party want to extend this Agreement, should notice the other party two weeks before the termination day of this agreement.
如其中任何一方欲延长合同,须在合同期满前2周通知对方。 |
If one place goes out of repair, the violence of the rain will soon destroy it.
如果有一个地方破损了,暴雨很快就会把它冲毁的。 |
If one places a minute amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death.
如果在蝎子身上放上少许一点儿酒,它会立即发疯,将自己螫死。 |
If one places a minute amount of liquor on a scorpion, it will i tantly go mad and sting itself to death.
如果在蝎子身上放上少许一点儿酒,它会立即发疯,将自己螫死。 |
If one prayer rises in mind spontaneously, one thought, one name or attribute of God arises in mind, then everyone quiets, pain disappears, then one can leave but everything about this place causes screaming so this silence is hard to find.
如果心中自觉萌发一个祈祷,心中想起一个名字或是真主的一个特质,那每个人都安静了,痛苦消失,然后人就可以离去,但是这里的一切都在引发尖叫因而这种宁静难以达到。 |