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In two years significant yield differences of summer crops were observed, except (for) maize which showed heavy damage caused by armyworm in the second year.

In two seasons with the Yankees, the left-hander was 34-19 with a 4.36 ERA, while going 0-1 with a 6.92 ERA in three American League Division Series appearances (two starts). 在纽约效力的两个球季中,这名左投手的战绩是:34胜19败,防御率4.36,同时在美联分区系列赛出赛3场,先发2场,战绩0胜1败,防御率6.92。
In two separate studies published in the January 6 New England Journal of Medicine, Ridker and Steven E. 今年1月6日的《新英格兰医学期刊》上,同时刊登了两篇独立的研究。
In two thousand four, the couple spends several months in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. 在2004年,他们花几个月在肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚和乌干达。
In two years I will finish medical school. 两年后我就要从医学院毕业了。
In two years Ruud notched 60 goals for PSV, alerting United. 在两年中为PSV贡献了60个进球,这打动了曼联。
In two years significant yield differences of summer crops were observed, except (for) maize which showed heavy damage caused by armyworm in the second year. 这两年中,除了在第二年玉米受粘虫严重侵害(不说)外,夏季作物的产量都有显著的差别。
In two years, customers from near and far gave the bank $2.2 million in deposits. “吝啬鬼”银行在两年时间里总共从本地及外地顾客手上吸收到220万美元的存款。
In type 2 diabetes -- which is often linked to obesity -- either the body doesn't produce enough insulin or the cells don't respond to the insulin. 常与肥胖联系在一起的2型糖尿病,表现为体内不能分泌足够的胰岛素或存在胰岛素抵抗。
In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells are unable to use the insulin it does produce properly. 2型糖尿病患者中,身体不能产生足够胰岛素,而且细胞不能合理的利用胰岛素。
In type I diabetes mellitus, islet transplantation provides a moment-to-moment fine regulation of insulin. Success rates vary widely, however, necessitating suitable methods to monitor islet delivery, engraftment and survival. 对于1型糖尿病,胰岛移植提供了一个及时有效的胰岛素调节方法,但是成功几率变化很大,因此,寻找合适的监测胰岛移植物的运送、定植和存活情况的方法就是非常必要的。
In typesetting, an accent above the letter in the form of a diagonal stroke downwards left to right. 排版中加在字母上方的一种重音符号,其形状是自左至右向下的对角线。

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