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Many people were elected to take part in democratic involvement.

Many people went in for writing, music, dramatics and similar activities. 很多人从事绘画、音乐、演剧和其他类似活动。
Many people went there not only to enjoy the natural coolness, but also for fun. 许多人去了那里,不仅是为了享受天然的凉,也是觉得很有趣。
Many people went to see the flower show. 许多人去看了花展。
Many people were against the new freeway. 许多人反对新的高速公路。
Many people were awakened by the quake and some people screamed ''Allah akbar!'' or ''God is great!'' as they ran outside. 很多居民从梦中惊醒,有些人在跑出来时,口里高喊“真主至大”,“上帝伟大”。
Many people were elected to take part in democratic involvement. 很多人被选举参与民主管理。
Many people were entombed in the rubble of the bombed buildings. 很多人被埋在炸毁的建筑物的瓦砾里.
Many people were fatally wounded during the bomb attacks. 在轰炸期间许多人受了重伤.
Many people were homeless in the aftermath of the earthquake. 地震之后,许多人无家可归。
Many people were hurt when a bus and a truck collided. 一辆公共汽车和一辆卡车相撞,许多人受了伤。
Many people were hurt when the a buse and a truck collided. 一辆公共汽车和一辆卡车相撞,许多人受了伤。

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