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Article 53 This Law shall go into effect as of January 1, 1997.

Article 53 The export commodities produced by a foreign-capital enterprise, except those whose exportation is restricted by China, shall be exempted form Customs duties and consolidated industrial and commercial tax in accordance with the tax law of China 第五十三条外资企业生产的出口产品,除中国限制出口的以外,依照中国税法免征关税和工商统一税。
Article 53 The mortgagee, who is not paid at the maturity of the obligation, may, through agreement with the mortgagor, be paid out of the proceeds from the conversion of the mortgaged property or from the auction or sale of the mortgaged property; if the 第五十三条债务履行期届满抵押权人未受清偿的,可以与抵押人协议以抵押物折价或者以拍卖、变卖该抵押物所得的价款受偿;协议不成的,抵押权人可以向人民法院提起诉讼。
Article 53 The procedure for amendment and repeal of national law shall be governed by the provisions of this Chapter. 第五十三条法律的修改和废止程序,适用本章的有关规定。
Article 53 The provisions on audit work of Chinese People's Liberation Army shall be formulated by the Central Military Commission in accordance with this Law. 第五十三条中国人民解放军审计工作的规定,由中央军事委员会根据本法制定。
Article 53 This Law shall come into force on January 1, 1997. 第五十三条本法自1997年1月1日起施行。
Article 53 This Law shall go into effect as of January 1, 1997. 第五十三条本法自1997年1月1日起施行。
Article 53 Those who have caused damages to roads should timely report the cases concerned to and accept on-the-spot investigations by road administrative organizations. 第五十三条造成公路损坏的,责任者应当及时报告公路管理机构,并接受公路管理机构的现场调查。
Article 53 Upon the expiration of the duration or termination of the joint venture company, the board of directors shall work out procedures and principles for the liquidation, nominate candidates for the liquidation committee for liquidating the assets o 第五十三条合营期满或提前终止合营时,董事会应提出清算程序、原则和清算委员会人选,组成清算委员会,对合营公司财产进行清算。
Article 53 When sites, installations, equipment as well as containers, packages and other articles for the collection, storage, transportation and treatment of hazardous waste are to be used for other purposes, they can be put to use only after treatment 第五十三条收集、贮存、运输、处置危险废物的场所、设施、设备和容器、包装物及其他物品转作他用时,必须经过消除污染的处理,方可使用。
Article 53 While proceeding with an auction, an auctioneer shall make a written auction record. 第五十三条拍卖人进行拍卖时,应当制作拍卖笔录。
Article 54 A buyer shall properly keep complete account books related to his or her business and operational activities, the written auction record and other relevant data. 第五十四条拍卖人应当妥善保管有关业务经营活动的完整帐簿、拍卖笔录和其他有关资料。

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