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Abstract: A new method on extraction of phenanthrene from crude anthraceneis given, which includes azeotropic dissolution with ethylene glycol, extraction of carbon tetrachloride, treatment of sulfuric acid and ethyl alcohol recrystallization, in the end,

Abstract: A new method based on the total least squares is proposed for sinusoidal retrieval. 文摘:本文提出了一种提取噪声中正弦信号的总体最小二乘方法。
Abstract: A new method for determining proximity parameters α,β,and η in electron-beam lithography is introduced on the assumption that the point exposure spread function is composed of two Gaussians.A single line is used as test pattern to determine prox 文摘:在电子散射能量沉积为双高斯分布的前提下,提出了一种提取电子束光刻中电子散射参数α,β和η的新方法.该方法使用单线条作为测试图形.为了避免测定光刻胶的显影阈值,在实验数据处理中使用归一化方法.此外,用此方法提取的电子散射参数被成功地用于相同实验条件下的电子束临近效应校正.
Abstract: A new method of desulphurisation of hot metal by immersion is developed by immersing the steel tube filled with desulphurisation powder and propellant into molten iron.The desulphurisation powder is injected into molten iron by pressure produced 文摘:提出用装有喷吹剂和脱硫剂混合物的钢管插入铁水中,利用喷吹剂受热分解产生气体形成的压力将脱硫剂喷射到铁水中进行铁水炉外脱硫的一种新方法――热浸铁水脱硫法,并从理论上对该法进行了可行性分析.
Abstract: A new method of generating cutting speed cam is presented using double crank-slide mechanism Not only its manufacture accurate is high, and simple but also its character of movement rule is advanced. 文摘:提出了一种用双重曲柄滑块机构范成加工高速凸轮的新方法,它不仅加工精度高、简便,而且具有性能优良的运动规律。
Abstract: A new method of machining tube parts was put forward and local upsetting tube parts can be manufactured by this method.It is important to raise mechanical strength,improve the quality and reduce production costs. 文摘:提出一种新的加工薄壁管类件的方法,利用该方法可以加工局部变粗的各种形状的管类件,这对于提高工件的结构强度、材料的利用率和降低工件的重量及制造成本具有重要的意义。
Abstract: A new method on extraction of phenanthrene from crude anthraceneis given, which includes azeotropic dissolution with ethylene glycol, extraction of carbon tetrachloride, treatment of sulfuric acid and ethyl alcohol recrystallization, in the end, 文摘:研究了从粗蒽中提取菲的方法,即用乙二醇对原料进行共沸,以四氯化碳为溶剂并用硫酸处理,最后用无水乙醇重结晶,制定出最佳的工艺路线.
Abstract: A new non-contact measurement system of the ammunition energy is discussed,which can be used to measure the performance parameters of all kinds of ammunition chemical battery in non-contact means.As infra-red optical medium is applied to send si 文摘:论述一种弹载能源非接触测量系统,适用于各型弹载化学电池性能参数的非接触测量,该系统采用红外光介质从电磁场中传递信号,克服了传统测量方法精度低和“交直流界线”及其导致的“多系数”等问题,大大提高了弹载能源性能参数非接触测量的准确度。
Abstract: A new process of drop-feed gas carburizing with enhanced pressure and mass flow has been described. 文摘:用高炉压、大剂量煤油滴注进行气体渗碳,所形成的渗碳气氛碳势可达2.0%~2.6%,工件表面无碳黑沉积。
Abstract: A new process of modified treatment of diesel engine link was investigatea in this paper. It made the link get adaptable microstructure and hardness without microcrack. 文摘:提出了一套柴油机连杆调质处理的新工艺,使连杆在没有显微裂纹的情况下得到合适的显微组织和硬度。
Abstract: A new simulating method is established for the calcul ation of the hardness profile of high-carbon-concentration deep-carburization , on the basis of analyzing this process and taking into account the influence o f carbide solution and dissoluti 文摘:在对高浓度深层渗碳的特点进行分析的基础上,考虑到碳化物的析出与溶解、温度及碳浓度对扩散行为的影响,气氛环境对相界面碳传递过程的影响,淬火烈度对渗碳层冷却效果的影响,提出了一种新的模拟高浓度深层渗碳渗层硬度分布的方法。
Abstract: A new transit operation system has been raised in this paper based on using non-real time information. 文摘:文章提出了发展基于准实时信息的公交调度优化系统的设想,并进行了相应的设计。

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