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Because it's hollow, it weighs very little, thereby creating that sine qua non of the building world: something strong but light.

Because it was trouble to control the heavy apron type feeder's rotate speed, The paper put forward a new method to achieve control the hydraulic motor speed efficiency by control electro motor rotate speed in transducer to control the hydraulic liquid fl 摘要文章针对重型板式给矿机速度控制困难,提出了用变频器控制电机转速来控制变量泵液压油流量,以实现对液压马达速度的调节方法。
Because it was useful to have warders who were well disposed toward us, I often asked certain men to make overtures to selected warders. 既然能有对我们示以好感的狱吏是件益事,因此我常想请人去和意中的狱吏沟通。
Because it's a recursive acronym. 因为他是首字递归的。
Because it's a section that deals with very popular books, we try to rush these through. 因为它是处理流行书籍的部门,我们要尽快编目。
Because it's always out of cash and always in debt. 因为它总是缺钱花,又总是债务缠身。
Because it's hollow, it weighs very little, thereby creating that sine qua non of the building world: something strong but light. 因为竹子是空心的,它重量轻,因此竹子满足了是建筑世界的必要条件,强度大,但重量轻。
Because it's in the midst of fun. 因为它在开心的当中。
Because it's inconceivable that a national news host could refer to The Wall Street Journey, Newswake or Tim, Tim. 因为你无法想像从全国新闻性节目主持人的口中听到《华尔街旅报》、《新闻走刊》,或是《失代》杂志,你说是不是,提姆?
Because it's none of our affair. 因为这不关我们的事。
Because it's not the case that reversing aging is necessarily all that much harder (or indeed any harder) than retarding it. 因为情况是,逆转老化不一定都比延缓老化困难得多(或者说确实有点较困难)。
Because it's the best-known natu-ral wonder in China. 因为它是中国最著名的自然景观。

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