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The young couple were very happy until they used up all their money .

The young couple have already saved ample money for the summer vocation. 这对年青夫妇已经积蓄了充足的钱去度暑假了。
The young couple made their home in a mean dwelling. 这对年轻夫妇在一个简陋的住处安了家。
The young couple paddled a little boat leisurely on the river. 那对年轻夫妇在河上悠閒地划著一条小船。
The young couple plan to pay off the loan in installments over 10 years. 2这对年轻夫妇计划十年内分期付清这笔贷款.
The young couple plan to upholster their bedroom with velvet. 小俩口打算用天鹅绒装饰他们的卧室。
The young couple were very happy until they used up all their money . 那对年青夫妇直到花光了所有的钱才沮丧起来。
The young deer were leaping about in the meadow. 小鹿在草地上到处跳跃。
The young diver is working under the water with a diving suit. 潜水员穿着潜水衣正在水下工作。
The young do not blindly accept the ideals of their elders. 年轻人并不盲目接受老年人的理想。
The young do not desire the discipline of the Path,but rather their curiosity drives them to try every fruit from the tree.Thus it is that so many take the Path of Wandering or the Path of Damnation in their first years of adulthood,and so the great trage 年轻人不喜爱修行之道,却在好奇心的驱使下去品尝树上的每一颗果子,因此,有如此多的人在成年后的头几年里选择了探索之路和诅咒之路,也因此,我族的悲剧一次又一次重演,我们的人民也代代衰微。
The young driver died from the wounds he received in the road accident. 这个年轻的司机因交通事故致伤而死。

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