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Karyogamy The fusion of two nuclei that exist within a common cytoplasm, as occurs in the formation of the zygote from two gametes.

Karmic retribution is the visible law. Conscience is the inner law. Custom is the common law. Causality is the ultimate law. 善恶报应是显露的法律,本心是非是内在的法律,世事伦常是共遵的法律,天理因果是最高的法律。
Karsten Heine : First of all it was not mine but the team's victory, I am sure that there are games which start a bit luckier than that one. 卡尔斯滕·海涅:首先,这不是我的胜利而是全队的胜利,可以肯定有很多比赛的开头要比那场比赛的开头幸运得多。
Karstens doesn't expect the game to be overly daunting. 小跟班不预期这场比赛会全然令人气馁的。
Karstens is scheduled to pitch again on Monday, at which point the Yankees will similarly consider his next destination. 卡斯坦预计在星期一投球,那时候洋基将评估它下次是否回到大联盟。
Karstens threw four shutout innings Monday for Class A Tampa, allowing three hits and one walk while striking out five. 小跟班在星期一坦帕的复健赛中,在四局的投球中,投出四次三振,一次保送和三支安打。
Karyogamy The fusion of two nuclei that exist within a common cytoplasm, as occurs in the formation of the zygote from two gametes. 核配:同一个细胞中两个核之间的融合现象称为核配,核配发生在两个配子结合成合子的过程中。
Karyokinesis During cell division, the process of nuclear division that precedes cytoplasmic division. 有丝分裂:细胞分裂过程中,细胞核先于胞质分裂。
Karyotype The physical appearance of the chromosome complement of a given species. 核型:一个给定物种的染色体所表现出的物理学特征。
Karyotyping for adanced maternal age was performed by amniocentesis and demonstrated a normal male karyotype (46 XY with G-banding). 对此高龄孕妇行羊膜穿刺染色体组型分型检查,先是正常男性(46XY,G带显带技术)。
Kasatsky, the handsome hermit?''kasatsky, 英俊的隐士?'
Kashmir's Family Welfare department, which distributes condoms for free in a bid to encourage married couples to limit the size of their families, has been forced to turn away condom seekers, the official said. 官员说,喀什米尔的家庭福利部免费发放保险套,鼓励已婚夫妇控制家庭规模,现在只能将索取保险套的民众拒于门外。

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