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After all I can only endow $100.

After affiliating the WTO and subscribing the TRIPS Agreement, China must increase the hitting strength,including punishment and especially the common pleas procedure,to the action of encroaching the author's copyright. 加入WTO及签署TRIPS协议之后,中国必须对侵犯著作权的行为加大打击的力度,其中包括行政处罚,特别是民事诉讼程序。
After affliction and harsh labor, Judah has gone into exile. 3犹大因遭遇苦难,又因多服劳苦就迁到外邦。
After aggressive treatment with antibiotic therapy, surgical drainage and intensive care, the patient recovered and was discharged. 经电脑断层检查发现,左侧后腹腔之大範围脓疡,在接受积极之手术治疗及加护照顾后,病患才逐渐稳定康复。
After agreeing on the surrender terms, Confederate general Robert Lee told Union general Ulysses Grant that for the past few days he had nothing to give his men to eat. 投降条件谈妥之后,美国南军将领罗勃特.李对北军将领攸里西斯.格林说,过去几天,他的军队已经断粮。
After all ,this is a grate team! 总而言之,是一个伟大的球队!
After all I can only endow $100. 我充其量只能捐助100美元。
After all Tomb Raider isn't a shoot 'em up. 毕竟《古墓丽影》不是一个充满枪战暴力的游戏。
After all it is love which gives me courage to face the music. 经历风风雨雨终究是爱给予了勇气。
After all it is perfectly normal indeed deeply human to be moved when nature presents us with a vision of great beauty. 毕竟,深为自然界呈现给我们的伟大美景而感动完全是正常的、具有深刻人性的事。
After all my care in packing it, many of the ceramics arrived broken. 尽管我包得非常小心,瓷器运到时还是坏了许多。
After all my explanations, that student did not appear to understand the point. 虽然我解释了半天,那个学生对于这一点还是显得不懂。

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