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In a new study, retina stem cells harvested at a particular stage of development successfully restored visual function in mice affected by a common cause of blindness also found in humans, known as photoreceptor loss.

In a network, a route between any two nodes. 网络中任意两个网点之间的一段路由。
In a network, pertaining to devices, programs, or domains that are connected by a data link or that share common control. 在网络中,指由数据链路连接的或共享公共控制的设备、程序或区域。
In a new audiotape released Friday, Al-Qaida in Iraq claims that it has mobilized 12,000 fighters. 在星期五发布一盘新的录音磁带中,伊拉克的基地组织声称他们已经调动了12,000名好站分子。
In a new century, this paper present a brief summarize, thus providing something for readers. 新千年伊始,本文略作综述,以飨读者。
In a new energy, where light is being turned on and everyone can talk to everyone, it is very difficult. 在一个新的能量中,哪里光明被打开,每个人可以和每个人说话,这(应该指黑暗的控制)就非常困难。
In a new study, retina stem cells harvested at a particular stage of development successfully restored visual function in mice affected by a common cause of blindness also found in humans, known as photoreceptor loss. 在一项最新研究中,在发育的特定阶段收集的视网膜干细胞成功恢复了光感受器丧失小鼠的视力,光感受器丧失的疾病也见于人类。
In a new twist on the influx of Polish workers to Britain, an ad appeared in newspapers serving Muslim communities in the east European nation asking for Polish halal butchers to work in Britain. 随着越来越多的波兰人进入英国工作,欧洲东部穆斯林社区报纸上出现招聘波兰清真肉屠宰师去英国工作的广告。
In a new twist on the influx of Polish workers to Britain, anadappeared in newspapers serving Muslim communities in theeastEuropean nation asking for Polish halal butchers to workinBritain. 2006年奇闻怪事大集锦2-随着越来越多的波兰人进入英国工作,欧洲东部穆斯林社区报纸上出现招聘波兰清真肉屠宰师去英国工作的广告。
In a nice bit of foreshadowing, Harry noticed them in the clearing where Hagrid first taught the fifth years about thestrals (OP21). 作为一种很显著的预示,当海格第一次教五年级学生夜骐的知识时(OP21),哈利注意到空地上有紫杉树。
In a not dissimilar way, marriage and friendship explore deeper emotions and they devoutly seek for real values. (例子)同样,婚姻与友情是对更高层次情感的探索:它们是对真正价值的虔诚求索。
In a not dissimilar way, the chief reason is because those romanticist cannot fully understand the pith of work to any relationship, whether it is passionate, mental or economic. (用法)用以表达诸多原因中最重要,最首要的一点。(例子)同样,最主要的原因是因为那些浪漫主义者未经充分理解到对于任何关系的工作核心,它是激情的,心理的或者经济的。

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