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How beautiful you are and how pleasing, O love, with your delights!

How beautiful the long mild twilight, which, like a silver clasp, unites today with yesterday! 这漫长柔和的夏日黎明也是如此美丽,它就像一个银扣,将今天与昨天紧紧地联在一起!
How beautiful the moonlight on the lake is! 湖上的月色多美呀!
How beautiful the park is! 多麽美丽的公园啊!
How beautiful the summer night is, which is not night, but a sunless, yet unclouded day, descending upon earth with dews and shadows and refreshing coolness! 夏日的夜晚也是美丽的,与其称它为夜晚,它其实更像一个阳光照射不到的,晴朗的白昼,它携带清露,阴凉以及一丝丝清爽降落到了地球!
How beautiful will our future be? 我们的未来会有多美?
How beautiful you are and how pleasing, O love, with your delights! 6我所爱的,你何其美好。何其可悦,使人欢畅喜乐。
How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are doves. 15我的佳偶,你甚美丽,你甚美丽,你的眼好像鸽子眼。
How beautiful you look in your new skirt! 你穿起这条新裙子来漂亮极了!
How beautiful your sandaled feet, O prince's daughter! Your graceful legs are like jewels, the work of a craftsman's hands. 1王女阿,你的脚在鞋中何其美好。你的大腿圆润,好像美玉,是巧匠的手做成的。
How beautiful! 多美啊!
How beautifully everything is arranged by Nature; as soon as a child enters the would, it finds a mother ready to take care of it. 样样事情由大自然安排得多么漂亮啊——孩子刚一踏进了这世界就找到母亲给他照料的嘛。

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