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As he is a parson, he has to respect the cloth.

As he hated army life, he decide to deserthis regiment. 因为他嫌恶军队生活,所以他决心背弃自己所在的那个团。
As he hated army life, he decided to desert his regiment. 他讨厌军旅生活,决定逃离所在部队。
As he hath done this day, so the LORD hath commanded to do, to make an atonement for you. 34像今天所行的都是耶和华吩咐行的,为你们赎罪。
As he hoped, he saw the girl. 正如他所希望的,他见到了那个女孩儿。
As he informed me, such are his respect for and obsession with the said epoch that his chronic disease has fallen into oblivion. 他告诉我,他对那个年代的敬意和神往达到了痴迷的程度,甚至可以忘掉久病的折磨。
As he is a parson, he has to respect the cloth. 由于他是牧师,言行须顾虑到自己的身份。
As he is at pains to point out, this is very much our human tale, our ancestry. 作者十分痛苦地指出这本书很大程度上是关于人类的故事,人类的祖先。
As he is not very nice, you can hardly ask him to lift a finger. 他不是一位好人,你很难请他帮举手之劳。
As he is the first transgressor , he sees no hopes of pardon. 由于他是第一个犯法者,他看不到被豁免的希望。
As he is the first transgressor, he sees no hopes of pardon. 由於他是第一个犯法者,他看不到被豁免的希望。
As he labored over The Short History of Discovery, 1917, Ancient Man, 1920, and The Story of Mankind, 1921, van Loon became acquainted with Leonore St. 在写作《发明的故事》(1917)、《古人类》(1920)和《人类的故事》(1921)的过程中,房龙结识了纽约公共图书馆的儿童图书管理员利奥诺?圣约翰?保尔。

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