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It is 20, 000 square meters in area.

It is - in my opinion - dangerous to rush through the earlier stages because there is too high a probability of missing some key point. 以我的观点来说,急急忙忙略过初阶部份相当的危险,因为很有可能忽略关键的部份。
It is .....to get up so early. 那么早起来,没有任何意义.
It is 100 yuan for 15 dollars. 15美元可以兑换100元人民币。
It is 1462 kilometres from Beijing to Shanghai. 从北京到上海有1462公里。
It is 2 km from the Changzhou Exit of the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway, an hour's ride from Shanghai and Nanjing Bus Stations, enjoying water, land and air transportation and communication convenience. 企业主要生产经营的产品有医药、医药中间体、染料中间体,产品80%外销,主要销往美国、日本、英国、台湾等国家和地区。
It is 20, 000 square meters in area. 校园长2百米,宽1百米,四面环绕着树木。
It is 216 years since British settlers first arrived on this massive island 8,000 miles away from Buckingham Palace but Australia remains a constitutional monarchy, with the monarch represented there by a governor-general. 虽然距离英国殖民者初次踏上这个离白金汉宫8000英里的巨岛已经有216年,但澳大利亚仍然是一个君主立宪制国家,在那里有代表君主的总督。
It is 250 kilometers away from provincial capital Chengdu, 110 kilometer away from Leshan center municipal district. 景区距省会成都250公里、乐山市市中区110公里。
It is 90 per cent there. 问题已解决了90%。”
It is ASC's mission to continue being the leading company in price-performance ratio as well as customer service. 提供高性价比的产品,提供优质的客户服务,做该行业的带头人是我们矢志不渝的目标!
It is Arizona's reasons that have been more widely questioned. But a closer look at the market and Johnson's Yankees production reveals the thought process. 亚利桑那想交易巨怪的原因也被很多人质疑。但是在市场中的终结者和巨怪的洋基队在过程中提供的条件吸引著他们。

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