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The Grateful Dead was an American psychedelia-influenced rock band formed in 1965 in San Francisco.

The Grandstand will be opened for members and public as usual. 氹仔马场看台大楼如常开放予会员及公众人仕入内观赏直播及投注。
The Grapes of Wrath is set in Oklahoma. 《愤怒的葡萄》的场景设在奥克拉荷马州。
The Graph has many optional features you can toggle on or off, including zooming, dynamically setting the maxiumum and individual units, and more. 图形有许多选项,你可以缩放、动态设置最大值和单个的单位,等等。
The Graphics Sub-System is pretty straightforward. 图形子系统的概念非常直观易懂。
The Grasshopper jumped only half as high; but he leaped into the King's face, who said that was ill-mannered. 蚱蜢跳得没有跳蚤一半高。不过它是向国王的脸上跳过来,因此国王就说,这简直是可恶之至。
The Grateful Dead was an American psychedelia-influenced rock band formed in 1965 in San Francisco. “感恩死”乐队是支在致幻剂影响下的乐队,于1965年组建于旧金山。
The Gray Pillar Guild, expert architects, felt they had to reclaim the inheritance of their Dwarven ancestors' technology. 将建筑视为宝藏的灰柱公会,想找回矮人先祖们杰出的技术力遗产...。
The Great Auk is an extinct bird. 大海雀是种灭绝的鸟类。
The Great Awakening brought a greater sense of these Puritan convictions to the southern colonies than had existed before, so that the Puritan consensus became almost universal in the colonies before the War for Independence. 「大复兴」运动(注:十八世纪初美国的宗教复兴运动)将更多清教徒的信仰带到南方的殖民地,因此在独立战争前,一致性的清教徒思想遍布基乎所有的殖民地。
The Great Balance Theory will keep in abreast with the times to absorb, integrate, transform, and select from those helping the “orderly increase of overall interest,” and continue the process without bias forever. 只要有利于“整体利益有序增长”,大平衡将与时俱进一并吸纳、整合、改造、择优选用,绝无门户之见也永远不会完结。
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest tropical coral reefsystem in the world - and by quite a large margin. “大堡礁”是世界最大的热带珊瑚礁系统——而且领先优势相当之大。

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