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Dams were anesthetized with one of the following drugs or drug combinations: (1) sodium pentobarbital; (2) ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine; or (3) sodium pentobarbital and ketamine hydrochloride.

Damping - Controls the amount of bounce that surfaces will have. 阻尼-控制表面的反弹次数。
Damping Factor is a term audio enthusiasts (and their rabid cousins, the audiophiles) run into time and time again. 阻尼因子是一个音频爱好者和发烧友反复追捧的术语。
Damping bearing is a kind of bearing with damping ring.It is not the same as traditional bearing not only on geometry but also on material.Damping ring has many merits such as perfect abrasive resistance,good noise proof ability,good self-lubricating prop 该类轴承为带阻尼环的推力轴承,在结构和材料上跳出传统框架,阴尼环具有减振、抗噪、自润滑、耐磨、耐冲击等功能,是传统推力止推轴承寿命的数倍。
Dampness, especially of the air. 湿度湿度,尤指空气湿度
Dampproof , dustproof and defending greasy dirt and harmful gas , sealing strong , acidproof alkali antidetonation. 防潮、防尘、防油污及有害气体,密封性强、耐酸碱抗震。
Dams were anesthetized with one of the following drugs or drug combinations: (1) sodium pentobarbital; (2) ketamine hydrochloride and xylazine; or (3) sodium pentobarbital and ketamine hydrochloride. 通过下列一种或多种药物对孕鼠进行麻醉:(1)戊巴比妥钠;(2)盐酸氯胺酮和甲苯噻嗪;(3)戊巴比妥钠和盐酸氯胺酮。
Dan Davies has been chosen to front a new discussion programme. 丹·戴维斯获任主持一个新的讨论节目.
Dan Evans: Just remember, it's your old man that hauled Ben Wade to that station... when nobody else would. 丹·埃文斯:记住,是你的爸爸把本·维德带到了火车站……别人谁也做不到。
Dan Evans: Then someone oughta have the decency to bring him to justice. 丹·埃文斯:所以才需要人押送他去接受正义的审判。
Dan Evans: You say one more word, I'll cut you down right here. 丹·埃文斯:你要是再多说一个字,我现在就结果了你。
Dan P. McAdams, a professor of psychology at Northwestern University, said that adult children were putting off adulthood. 西北大学心理学教授迈克亚当斯认为很多成年人正在推迟他们的成人期.

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