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Brad Hintz of Bernstein Research notes that the share of the industry's capital held in such illiquid investments is growing very fast.

Bract scale The structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms, each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil. 苞鳞:在裸子植物的雌球果中大量存在的结构,每个苞鳞都包含一个珠鳞。
Brad : Anything I can bring? 布雷德:要我带些什么东西呢?
Brad : Okay. Can I bring a friend along? 布雷德:好的。那我可不可以另外带个朋友一块来?
Brad : Well, certainly. What day? 布雷德:噢!好呀,一定参加。哪一天呢?
Brad : Well, should uh... Will it be costume?... Should I wear my party suit? 布雷德:那么,要不要...呃...有没有限制要穿什么服装?我要不要穿正式的西装?
Brad Hintz of Bernstein Research notes that the share of the industry's capital held in such illiquid investments is growing very fast. 伯恩斯坦研究所的布拉德.欣茨指出,如此非流动的投资所持有的产业资本份额正在飞速增长。
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are reportedly planning a Christmas wedding in South Africa. 有消息称,布拉德·皮特和安吉莉娜·茱丽打算今年圣诞期间在南非举行婚礼。
Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston share dog-walking chores, a sense humor,a new seaside getaway-and, after 16 months of marrige, the look of love is truly, madly and deeply. 布拉德彼特和珍妮佛安妮斯顿享受与狗散步和幽默的海滨生活,在结婚16个月后,这份爱看上去还是真实,疯狂和强烈的。
Brad Pitt recently became the legal father of Pax Thien, not pictured, the latest in the Jolie-Pitt clan. 近日,好莱坞巨星布拉德·皮特成为安吉丽娜·朱莉新近收养的孩子帕克斯的法定养父。
Brad Pitt's path from Missouri-bred choirboy to delectable hunk was cemented with a strong Baptist faith and at least a trillion sit-ups. 布拉德·皮特从密苏里的唱诗班少年到招人喜爱的帅哥的成长之路与其虔诚的信教信仰和至少万亿次的仰卧起坐密不可分。
Brad and George then would be picks for a brief romance, if not the long haul. 这样看来,排除长跑爱情仅就短暂浪漫史而言,布拉德和乔治无疑是最佳人选。

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