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Pigs may fly, but they are very unlikely birds.

Pigmentation on lips, nose and eye rims is black except on dilute colors (chocolate, blue and gold dilute) where the pigmentation is also diluted. 色素通常沉淀在嘴唇,鼻子,眼周,一般为黑色,淡色品种(巧克力,减色和金色)色素可能被冲淡。
Pigmented basal cell carcinoma is uncommon in Caucasian, but seems much more common in Asian. 摘要着色型基底细胞癌在高加索人中较为罕见,但在亚洲人中则很常见。
Pigs are grubbing around in the bushes. 猪在树丛中乱拱。
Pigs are on farms everywhere. 到处都是猪场。
Pigs can become alcoholic. 猪有变成酒鬼的能力。
Pigs may fly, but they are very unlikely birds. 猪儿纵会飞,终究不是鸟。
Pigs might fly. st. 奇迹可能会发生.
Pigs root for food. 猪用鼻子翻土觅寻食物。
Pigs weakened by the virus are more likely to get vecterial (bacterial) infections. 被病毒感染的猪猪们更像是得了细菌感染。
Pigs were grunting and squealing in the farm. 猪在农场里呼鲁呼鲁和尖声地叫。
Pigtails and pets were always a wonderful distraction. 发辫儿和宠物总是绝佳的障眼法。

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