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The project was devised according to software enginerring. The content paid attention to systematize and science. The theories and process were combined with the picture very well.

The project uses computers' idle time to create a supercomputer capable of using models to rapidly test the effectiveness of potential drugs to fight the SARS virus. 这个计划利用计算机的空闲时间创造了一个超级计算机,它利用模型快速测试那些对抗SARS病毒的药物的有效性。
The project views it as a very important issue that the community can manage and use their natural recourse in sustainable manner. 该社区能够以可持续发展的方式,管理和使用他们的自然资源,该项目将此视为一个非常重要的问题。
The project was abandoned under the pressure of circumstances. 这企划被迫放弃在形势压迫下。
The project was cancelled owing to lack of money. (由于缺乏资金,该项目取消了。)
The project was completed ahead of the schedule. 这项工程提前完工。
The project was devised according to software enginerring. The content paid attention to systematize and science. The theories and process were combined with the picture very well. 论文内容注重系统性和科学性,严格遵循软件工程方法论;原理性论述与实际开发过程相结合,图文并茂。
The project was eventually terminated, according to the official report at the time, because there was insufficient evidence of the utility of the intelligence data produced. 根据当时的官方报告,计划最后终止,因为缺乏智能延伸数据的足够证据。
The project was funded by the government. 这项计划是由政府出资进行。
The project was hamstrung by lack of funds. 这个计画因缺乏资金而难以实现.
The project was immense in scope—end-to-end, soup-to-nuts product development and distribution, from initial concept and brand strategy to product packaging and multi-media retail distribution environment. 这一项目涉及广阔的领域----多种多样产品的开发和分销,从初始概念、品牌战略到产品包装和多媒体零售分销环境。
The project was launched during a time when Hong Kong was in recession and was widely billed as an elixir to the city's economic woes. 开始建设这个项目的时候,香港正处于经济萧条期,迪斯尼乐园被鼓吹成挽救香港经济萧条的万能药。

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