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Based on the ε-NTU method, numerically simulates the refrigerant circuitry of the condensers with 2 to 4 rows of tubing and analyses the characteristics of the heat transfer and flow.

Based on the water supply risk and its variable process of Dalian city, this paper proposes a cost-benefit analysis method for flood resources to inquire into the control range of the reservoir's flood limit water level, according to the use course of the 摘要以大连市碧流河水库为例,根据大连市供用水系统的风险及其变化过程,分析超蓄洪水资源的利用情况及其效益,并在对抬高水库汛限水位造成的淹没损失分析的基础上,利用边际成本分析方法确定控制的范围。
Based on the wave equation in unsaturated soil, the dynamic response of a pile under transient torsional loading was theoretically investigated. 摘要基于己建立的非饱和土中的波动方程,研究了瞬间扭转荷载作用下桩的动力响应问题。
Based on the well-preserved materials and documents related to Pond Agriculture Beishui Production Team of Guangdong written during the Period of People's Commune, this paper examines the characteristics of Pond Agriculture, by using modem input-output ec 摘要本文利用顺德县杏坛公社北水大队12个生产队基本保留完好的第一手账本资料和大队公文资料,应用现代经济学投入产出比的动态比较分析方法,对广东基塘地区的农业特征进行了考察,推断出人民公社时期的25年其基本处于传统农业的末后期,属于广义的传统基塘农业生态系统范畴。
Based on the widely and systematically collected information on Fuqing's a agriculture, meteorology, disasters, ecological environment, phenology, remote sensing facilities and socio-economy, a database on agrometeorological disasters and their prevention 摘要在全面、系统收集整理福建省福清市农业、气象、灾情、生态环境、物候、遥感、社会经济等资料的基础上,分类建立农业气象灾害及防御对策数据库。
Based on the “Serving the customer and establishing the brand concept” operating philosophy and the business spirit of continuous exploitation and innovation, our company will sincerely provide our customer with the quality products and express and consid 公司本着“为客户服务、树品牌意识”的经营理念与不断开拓创新的敬业精神,竭诚为客户提供具有市场竞争力价格的优质产品和快捷完善的服务,真诚的期待与各界豪杰携手共进,共创辉煌。
Based on the ε-NTU method, numerically simulates the refrigerant circuitry of the condensers with 2 to 4 rows of tubing and analyses the characteristics of the heat transfer and flow. 摘要运用分布参数模型对2~4排管冷凝器的流程布置方式进行了模拟计算,并对其换热和流动特性进行了分析和研究。
Based on theoretical analysis, microbubble drag reduction is due to structure change of turbulent boundary layer caused by the microbubbles.Experiments testify microbubble drag reduction for turbulent boundary layer, as well as bubble size,main flow veloc 理论分析提出微气泡降阻机理在于其引起湍流边界层结构的变化;实验证明了微气泡对湍流边界层的降阻作用以及气泡尺度、主流速度等对降阻作用的影响;数值方法利用适当的流场模型、湍流模型和差分格式,模拟边界层和气泡数等对降阻的影响。
Based on theoretical study, concerned conalusions are reached. 在理论分析的基础上,得出了有关的结论。
Based on there main types, different flavor types are produced by imitating, consulting and fusion of each other. 在三大基本香型的基础上,相互模仿、借鉴、融合产生出多种香型。
Based on there studies, a new temperature compensation method is proposed to stabilize the resonant frequency of a rectangular resonant cavity. 根据热双金属材料的温度特性,本文提出了一种稳定谐振腔谐振频率、对谐振腔进行温度补偿的方法。
Based on thermodynamics, effects of constituent fluctuations on nucleation is studied and testified in this paper. 笔者以形核热力学为基础,讨论了外来成分起伏对钢液形核的影响,并通过实验进行了难证。

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