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Because intestinal obstruction is the primary manifestation, neonatal intussusception is initially indistinguishable from obstructions due to other reasons like intestinal atresia, congenital bands, necrotizing enterocolitis or midgut volvulus.

Because in my process of writing I make use of the impact human rights education and social work have had on me? 因为我在写博客的过程中,实践着人权教育和社会工作对我的影响?
Because in the last 2 years, it's been the hedge funds and the other speculators in the world have been hearing stories about maybe China will revalue its currency or maybe it will do it later, those hedge funds and those speculators then believe that if 因为在过去的两年中,那些套期保值基金和其他投机者一直关注诸如中国政府有可能在近期重估人民币价值的消息,于是这些人便认为假如他们把钱投入中国市场,待到人民币升值后,利润便会猛增。
Because in-circuit testers and MDAs test components individually, a PCB assembly can pass an in-circuit or MDA test and still not function properly. 在线测试和生产故障发现测试都是对器件单独进行测试,一块印刷电路板可以通过在线测试或生产缺陷测试,但是功能上还可能不是很完全。
Because incidents of illegal arrest and disappearing in China continue to increase? 因为中国的非法拘禁、失踪事件越来越多?
Because inclusion in the index requires at least three sources Afghanistan, Fiji, Liberia, Palestine, and Somalia, with only two sources in 2006, were not included. 由于得出指数至少需要三个参数来源,而阿富汗、斐济、利比理亚、巴勒斯坦及索马里在2006年只有两个参数来源,因此未被囊括表中。
Because intestinal obstruction is the primary manifestation, neonatal intussusception is initially indistinguishable from obstructions due to other reasons like intestinal atresia, congenital bands, necrotizing enterocolitis or midgut volvulus. 由于新生儿肠套叠以肠阻塞为最初的临床表徵,所以应该和其它肠阻塞例如肠闭锁、坏死性肠炎、肠扭结做区分。
Because investor's pure? Investor's stupid? 是因为投资者单纯啊?投资者傻?
Because invests improper, his property is very difficult to preserve. 11由于投资不当,他的财产很难保全。
Because it allows radiant heat loss, Demron feels cool to the touch and releases internal heat to the surrounding air. 由于辐射热得以逸散,所以底米龙的触感凉爽,并能将内部的热释放至周遭空气,因而「它能用来覆盖你全身100%的表面积」,底米欧说道。
Because it always had yellow t-shirt like our selection. 因为他总是穿着和巴西一样的球衣.
Because it always has a beautiful tale. 因为它总是有一个美丽的故事。

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