Value brands are suddenly hot in the European auto industry as carmakers get serious about protecting their low-end flanks.
在欧洲,当汽车制造商开始重视底端市场时,高性价比品牌就一下子火了起来。 |
Value in parenthesis means the relative percentage of tyrosine released as compared woith casein.
3括号中之数值为酪蛋白比较之相对酪胺酸释出百分比。 |
Value judgment is the logical point of departure in considering a series of legal issues, and it provides guidelines for the study of a lot of criminal law issues, among which restorative justice is included.
摘要价值取向是考虑一系列刑事法律基本问题的逻辑起点,对于研究包括恢复性司法在内的刑事法律的若干问题起着重要的指引作用。 |
Value of the cup is underestimate by we.
我们低估了杯子的价值。 |
Value plus is thoroughly realized by Shu brocade in Chinsese character pattern, the nonmaterial cultural heritage, on which Chinese characters of the whole preface appear in different and natural postures and posts, even the seals and the forky strokes ar
无论是印章还是文字沙笔的处理都极具独妙,通篇字里行间千姿百态而纯出自然,由物超妍被非物质文化遗产蜀锦表现的淋漓尽致、神韵无穷。 |
Value the gifts of caregiving. It's an opportunity to grow in tolerance, patience, compassion, and understanding of the limitless power of love.
珍惜看护别人的机会。这是培养宽容、耐心及同情的大好机会,同时也让你理解到爱的力量无边无际。 |
Value the gifts of caregiving. It's an opportunity to grow tolerance, patience, compassion, and understanding of the limitless power of love.
珍惜照料别人的机会,这是培养宽容、耐心及同情的最好课堂,同时也可以让你感到爱的力量是无穷无尽的。 |
Value your own life-stay away from drugs.
珍爱生命,永不沾毒。 |
Value-Added Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts: How Valuable is the Forecaster?.
增值定量降水预报:预报员的价值怎样评价? |
Value-added tax (VAT) of domestically made equipment will be returned in full amount if foreign-invested enterprises purchase equipment in China and the equipment belong to tax exemption catalogue, and income tax of these enterprises will be credited in a
外商投资企业在国内购置设备,如该类设备属免税目录范围,可全额退还国产设备增值税并按有关规定抵免企业所得税;经税务机关批准,允许其固定资产加速折旧;取得的技术转让收入免征营业税。 |
Values have also been added to each item in the list.
我们也为清单中的每个项目加入了值。 |