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He carefully shields you from difficult diffraction theory and uses advanced computer generated graphics to show you the appearance of each aberration.

He care no price as long as the quality is good. 他不在乎价格,只要质量好就行。
He care nothing about his reputation. 他不在乎名声。
He cared for his sick mother day and night. 他日夜照看他生病的妈妈。
He cared for the patients day and night. 他日日夜夜照顾病人。
He carefully cracked a nut and then gave it to me. 他仔细敲开一颗坚果,然后递给了我。
He carefully shields you from difficult diffraction theory and uses advanced computer generated graphics to show you the appearance of each aberration. 他从复杂的衍射理论里,用制图法细心地描绘每一幅失常的画面。
He cares for her deeply. 他深深地爱著她.
He cares for nothing but temporal affairs. 他只关心世俗之事。
He cares for others so much. 她很关心别人.
He cares little about fame. 他不在乎名声。
He cares little about his clothes. 他不在乎穿着。

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