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But building a brand from scratch can be expensive.

But both the chief advisor and the army chief declined to give them permission to use the party banner as political activities were banned under the state of emergency imposed on last Jan. 11. 但是双方的主要顾问都反对在紧急状态法施加于去年1月11日的情况下允许使用政党标语。
But both were there watching as the police besieged a gang of Latvian anarchists. 但是,他们当时都在观看警察围攻一群拉脱维亚的无政府主义者。
But bringing new partners into Airbus and sending more work outside Europe will always be difficult as long as governments hold stakes in its parent firm. 但只要欧洲各国政府持有空客总公司的股票,无论是吸引新的合作伙伴加入空客,还是向欧洲以外地区分派生产,都将十分困难。
But brother, watch out for the breeze~ when I sneeze. 但是同伴,当我打喷嚏的时候,戒备一下微风。
But brown-eyed men, who cannot find any clues about paternity from a child's eye color, had no preferences by eye color. 这篇研究报告在《行为生态学和生物社会学》上发表提到,“蓝眼睛男人无论是否知道这个规则,他们在潜意识里会注重这种具有‘识别功能’的身体特征。”
But building a brand from scratch can be expensive. 但从头开始创建品牌可能代价高昂。
But building a design system that allowed the animators to move all those pieces quickly — and to fit them into the finished robot, designed almost a year earlier, without banging parts into each other — was the real headache. 但是,早在一年多前,一套特别的系统就已经被开发出来,好让动画师能够迅速的移动所有零件、放到机器人形态的各个部位、又不会把彼此之间的位置给撞乱。
But burn the bull's flesh and its hide and its offal outside the camp. It is a sin offering. 14只是公牛的皮,肉,粪都要用火烧在营外。这牛是赎罪祭。
But business is business. You expect me to come out of this empty-handed and let my family eat the northwest wind? 可是事情是事情,我不图点什么,难道教我一家子喝西北风?
But business leaders said the step, which will remove about Rs85bn ($1.8bn, ?1.5bn, £1bn) from circulation, could jeopardise India's manufacturing investment boom without tackling the root cause of inflation. 但商界领袖们表示,央行此举将减少约850亿卢比(合18亿美元)的流通现金,可能会危及印度制造业投资的繁荣态势,却又无法根治通货膨胀。
But buyer beware! These calls are just like any other form of digital communication-e-mail, for example-which can be hacked, spammed and saved on servers. 但消费者要小心了!这种电话同另外一种数字通讯形式电子邮件类似,举例来说会被入侵、骚扰以及在服务器上存档。

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