The patented looper thread take-up put on the outside of body, to clean the winding and adjustment easily.
前置式底线分线盘:专利底线分线盘外置于机体前侧,可轻易清除绞线、调整容易。 |
The patented refill valve allows you to fill it with anything that comes in cans: Whipped Cream, Mousse, Glue, Fog/smoke, Shaving Cream, Hair Spray, Paint, Grease, Air, Perfume etc.
专利加注阀允许你加入任何物质进到罐子里:奶油糊,摩丝,胶水,雾/烟,剃须霜,发胶,油漆,油脂,空气,香水等. |
The patented-designed steam can is of high heat efficiency and quick steam production, saving gas and energy.
专利设计的蒸汽发生器装置,热效率高,产出蒸汽快,省气节能。 |
The patents on the first lucrative products of biotechnology are at last approaching their expiration dates.
生物技术最早几件利润丰厚的产品,其专利已经快要到期了。 |
The patents were granted in the 1990s and date back to work in the late 1980s.
那些专利权都是在90年代得到的,而且早在80年代便开始申请。 |
The path and dream is up to you to weave.
路径和梦想是你去编织的。 |
The path down to evil is easy.
堕入罪恶的道路是容易走的。 |
The path grew more obscure in the fading light.
小径在渐渐消失的光线下变得更暗了。 |
The path is found by figuring out which squares we should take to get from A to B.
通过计算出从A到达B应该走哪些方块,就找到了路径。 |
The path is not complete until its two terminals are joined.
直到两个端点接在一起,电路才是完整的。 |
The path is parallel with that road.
这条小路和那条大路平行. |