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Ever since he won the election of the president in student union, Tom thinks he's the cock of the walk around here.

Ever since civilization began, certain individuals have tried to run away from it in hopes of finding a simpler, more pastoral, and more peaceful life. 自文明诞生以来,就有人企图逃避文明社会,希望寻求一种更为朴素、更富田园风情、更为宁静的生活。
Ever since coming to power in Pakistan, Musharraf, adopting all kinds of policies, seizing the beneficial international opportunities and dealing with variable situation at home and abroad, has changed a lot in terms of Pakistan's domestic political and f 穆沙拉夫执掌巴基斯坦政权后,采取种种举措,抓住有利的国际机遇,应对多变的国内外局势,使巴基斯坦国内政治和外交环境有了很大的改观,但是还存在着不少矛盾与问题。
Ever since experiments carried out by NASA's two Viking landers failed to find convincing signs in 1976, few scientists have dared to risk their reputations by talking seriously about the possibility, or how to test the idea. 从1976年两架海盗号探测器在NASA主持的实验中未能找出有力证据后,几乎没有学者敢拿自己的名誉冒险,认真探讨火星生命存在的可能性,或如何检验这一推断。
Ever since he released his debut album and become popular, I am very afraid that he will become proud and arrogant. 从出第一张专辑以后,受大家的支持和肯定,我深怕他骄傲、自负,当他第一次获得金曲奖时,我握着他的手,告诉他:「妈以你为荣!
Ever since he was five, Ivan had been my only tennis partner. 从他五岁开始,伊万就是我唯一的网球伙伴。
Ever since he won the election of the president in student union, Tom thinks he's the cock of the walk around here. 自从汤姆在学生会主席选举中获胜,他就觉得自己在很了不得。
Ever since her teen years she has avoided the sun, which raises painful blistering rashes wherever her skin is unprotected. 她从少女时期就必须避免日晒,因为只要皮肤一受到阳光照射,就会出现非常疼痛的水泡疹子。
Ever since it came into being in 1890’s, it is comparatively mature in theory after a hundred years' development, especially for the occidental psychology that attaches importance to experimental research. 心理学从19世纪90年代诞生以来,经过了近一个世纪的发展,理论上已经比较成熟,尤其是西方心理学注重实验研究的传统,在受众研究中得到了淋漓尽致的发挥。
Ever since it left nothing else was talked about in the region, and opinion was divided between those who wanted it to come back and those who did not, but everyone considered it a certainty. 香蕉公司撤离之后,该地区除了谈论它还是谈论它,意见有两种:一些人希望它回来,另外一些人不希望它回来,但是所有的人都认为它的重返已成定局。
Ever since it opened up to the world in the 1850s, it has in reality engaged with outsiders only when opportunity or necessity required. 自从日本在19世纪50年代向世界开放以来,实际上它只有在机遇来临或情非得已之时才与外界打交道。
Ever since its establishment in 1980, this factory has been a professional manufacturer of glass bottles for the general purposes in cosmetics industry, foodstuff processing industry, medicine field. 我厂位于长江三角洲、上海经济开发区内,和上海隔江相望,与南通机场相邻,水陆交通十分便捷,企业历史悠久,自80年以来专业生产化妆品、食品、医用玻璃瓶的中型企业。

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