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A concentrated furniture polish and cleaner designed to add luster and beauty while cleaning and presering the surface and appetizing.

A computer-implemented method and system for advertising that performs the steps of delivering an electronic advertisement comprising one or more menu options and a reference to a network location for retrieving specified content associated with each menu 一电脑执行方法和系统登公告那个表演步的履行一电子广告构成一或更多菜单选择余地和一参考资料向前一把联网位置叼回猎物明确地讲内容交往用每一菜单选择余地接受参加进入一第一电子文件接待一选择的一或更多菜单选择余地从电子广告和履行一随后容易接近的文件包含内容从推荐把联网位置交往用菜单选择余地选择随后容易接近的文件包含电子广告.
A computerized dual-use extrusion press with automatic peeling and feeding mechanisms is capable to produce extrusions from a billet with 10 inch diameter. 配备自动削皮、送料机之电脑化2700吨复式挤压机,最大挤锭直径达10英吋。
A concatenated sequence of straight lines. 连接起来的直线序列。
A concave molding with a cross section that approximates a quarter circle. 飞檐的凹圆线脚截面近于九十度弧的凹线脚
A concealed hole in the ground used as a trap; a pitfall. 陷阱地上用做陷阱的隐藏的洞;陷阱
A concentrated furniture polish and cleaner designed to add luster and beauty while cleaning and presering the surface and appetizing. 本品是浓缩型家具清洁上光乳剂,清洁、上光、保护、加香四合为一。
A concentration of receptor cells in their inner ear makes bats extremely sensitive to frequency changes. 一些蝙蝠内耳里的受体细胞的集中使它们对频率的变化极其敏感。
A concept in media planning stipulating that a certain amount of exposure to an advertising message is necessary before it is effective. Often used interchangeably with the term effective frequency. 广告媒介策划中使用的概念.指受众必须有一定的广告暴露频率,广告才能发生效用.经常与有效频率交替使用.
A conceptual approach including measurements of materials at rest (step 1), measurements using a large rotating drum (step 2) or a Particle-FLEC (step 2) and measurements at a workplace (step 4) has been used to characterize the release of microbial compo 一套整体概念性的方法,包括物质在静止时(步骤一)、使用大转动滚筒时(步骤二)或微粒逸散完时(步骤二),和工作场所(步骤四)进行量测,以描述由麦秆、木头碎片或不同年份的石膏板上的真菌菌落所释放的微生物组成(细菌、真菌、放线菌、内毒素或酵素)和微粒特性。
A conceptual design case of presser is given to demonstrate the feasibility and rationality of this proposed approach. 最后,以压力机的概念设计为例验证了该方法。
A conceptual model of social exchange theory is presented and empirically assessed. 以南投县鱼池乡日月村之邵族人和日月潭之观光客为调查对象。

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