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I wish I would know English and French.

I wish I were home for the holidays. 但愿我能回家共度佳节。
I wish I were on an island with you and nobody else, with no trouble or danger or terrible memories to make me suffer. “我希望我和你待在一个小岛上,没有别人、没有麻烦、没有危险、没有痛苦的记忆折磨我。”
I wish I were really wealthy. 但愿我真的富有。
I wish I were ten years younger. 真希望自己年轻十岁。
I wish I would be able to travel all over the world some day. “我希望我将来可以游遍全世界。”(可惜我爸不是富翁,我自己也没什么本事去实现,白日梦罢了。
I wish I would know English and French. 我要是既懂英语又懂法语就好了.
I wish I'd never come to live in this stinking country. 我真希望我压根儿就没到这个臭国家来住。
I wish I'd never said that. 我要没说那些话多好啊。
I wish Mama could keep her laughter and her song eternally. 愿母亲笑声永荡,歌声常鸣!
I wish Miss Hu to have a good time with us. 我祝愿胡小姐有好时光与我们。
I wish Mom were here. I don't have a clue how to take care of my sick sister! 我真希望妈妈在这里。要怎样照顾生病的妹妹,我实在一点头绪都没有!

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