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For super ship hull, container exteriors, train and car.

For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. 18因为这样的人不服事我们的主基督、只服事自己的肚腹.用花言巧语、诱惑那些老实人的心。
For such souls will not work in one's best interest in relation to the release of karma or the construction of an ascending field, for they simply have another agenda, which is to control and own oneself forever. 因为这类旧灵魂们并不会有最大的兴趣来帮你释放业力或构建提升能量场,只因为它们拥有另一个计划,那就是永远来控制并占有你。
For such this stingy guy,nobody would not contact with him. 对于这样小气的人,谁也不愿意和他打交道.
For suede leather and artificial leather sponges have to be added into the tumbler. This will intensify the brilliance of colours and the chalk effect. 如是绒面革或人造革在转笼内翻滚时可加入一块海绵以增加光亮度及效果。
For summer windsailing action, don't forget to cheer on Hong Kong Gold medalist windsurfer Lee Lai-shan at her fourth Olympic performance in Athens this August. 就夏季风帆滑板比赛而言,别忘了在今年8月为香港风帆冲浪金牌选手李丽珊的表演加油,她已经是第四次参加奥运会了。
For super ship hull, container exteriors, train and car. 主要用于高档船舶的船壳、集装箱外壁和火车、汽车的面漆使用。
For supply or sale of graves and cells for the storage of ashes, subscribers shall be required to present the certification of cremation (in areas practicing cremation) or the certification of death (in reformed areas practicing burials in the ground) and 要凭用户出具的火化证明(火葬区)或死亡证明(土葬改革区),提供或出售墓穴和骨灰存放格位,使用规范的安葬、安放凭证,建立严格的销售、登记制度,严禁传销和炒买炒卖;要保护群众的正当权益。
For support questions that are not in the FAQ, please consider using the M4 Project Mailing List. FAQ不可能包罗所有的问题,如果您需要更好的技术支持,请考虑使用M4计划邮件列表。
For sure, all the feedback from the briefing, up to the production, the market possibilities and the existing collection of a company are very much in focus during the process, but the personal touch you give as the designer is the soul of a product later 尽管简报、生产情况、市场反馈以及公司已有作品等信息对于整个设计至关重要,但是设计师赋予产品的内涵才是它的灵魂。
For sure, you would survive without speaking a word of Danish. 您在丹麦只说英语能活下来吗?
For sure? 肯定吗?

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