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The insider trading undermined investors' confidence in the stock market.

The inside of the helpless existence circumstances.Had no history to also impossibly indicate in the future, live in reality of have a little terrible reality in. 所谓的《传承》作品只是现实的物件和传统的玩意荒诞的断接,没有了继承和发展的可能,只是处在一种尴尬。无奈的生存境遇里。没有了历史也不可能预示着将来,活在现实的有点可怕的现实中。
The inside part is made in the glass foundry , a special bottle with very thin walls, much too fragile for everyday use. 内部的这个瓶子用非常薄的玻璃制成,由于太薄不易用于日常生活。
The inside part is made in the glass foundry, a special bottle with very thin walls, much too fragile for everyday use. 内部的这个瓶子用非常薄的玻璃制成,由于太薄不易用于日常生活。
The inside products aggregate of Wanyou Ceramic in 2005,the species is well-found,the assortment style is abundant colorfur. 万友瓷砖2005年的内装产品集合,品种齐全,花色款式丰富多彩。
The inside-out and outside-in dynamics that constitute the structural relationship between the two characters of Romeo and Juliet symbolize the different structural relationships underlying urban planning and practice. “朱丽叶”与“罗密欧”两个角色的结构关系中由内向外的“倾述”和由外向内的“倾述”,象征了城市规划与实践中各种结构关系。
The insider trading undermined investors' confidence in the stock market. 这起内线交易案动摇了投资人对股市的信心。
The insider unveiled that the two radio operators had started preparations for the coming mobile phone TV era. 业内人士透漏,为迎接即将到来的移动电话的电视时代,这两个广播运营商已经开始了准备工作。
The insidious onset and slow progression of symptoms usually result in delayed diagnosis. 由于发病时癥状不明显且病程进展缓慢,通常造成诊断延误。
The insistence in your life leads to a rosy future. 生命的坚守,下一站更美丽。
The insistent rhythm of piano penetrated the house. 钢琴持续的韵律在房子里回荡.
The insolvency of the banks is just one example. 银行失去偿付能力只是一个例子。

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