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It is quite warm for the time of the year,said Framton; but has that window got anything to do with the tragedy?

It is one of the Twelve,he replied, one who dips bread into the bowl with me. 20耶稣对他们说,是十二个门徒中同我蘸手在盘子里的那个人。
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly ; what ia essential is invisible to the eye. 只有用心去看才能看的清楚。珍贵的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. 只有用心才看得清楚,重要的东西眼睛是看不见的.
It is peculiar, nay, unique. 这不但是特殊的,而且是独一无二的。
It is primarily through formal education that a culture tries to perpetuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears. 如果一个文化想要它认为好的理念永世长存而摈弃它厌恶的理念,主要是通过正规的教育。
It is quite warm for the time of the year,said Framton; but has that window got anything to do with the tragedy? “就今年的这个时候来讲,天气是相当暖和的,”弗兰顿说;“但那个窗户与这个悲剧有什么联系吗?”
It is technically impossible,said Galliani. “从技术上看这是不可能的。“他说。
It is the type of thing the Heimlich maneuver is performed for,'' he said. 他说:这种情况可以通过海姆利克氏操作法进行急救。
It is to be done on my responsibility,she added, in an explanatory tone to them, and immediately afterwards left the room. “这事由我负责,”她带着解释的口气向她们补充道。随后马上走了出去。
It is true, O LORD, that the Assyrian kings have laid waste all these peoples and their lands. 18耶和华阿,亚述诸王果然使列国,和列国之地变为荒凉。
It is unique, yet it subtly recalls the tragedy that has happened here,David Childs said. 大卫·查尔德斯称:“虽然它会让人回想起曾经发生在这里的悲剧,但它仍旧独一无二。”

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