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A hot bath is a great refreshment after a day's work.

A host of friends met him at the railroad station. 一大群朋友在火车站迎接他。
A host of top clubs, including sides in the Premiership, h**e been linked with Villa, while midfielder Silva's reputation in Europe is growing fast. 一大堆的顶级俱乐部包括英超在内,都和比利亚的名字联系在一起,而席尔瓦在欧洲的受关注度也是水涨船高。
A host, of golden daffodils; . 金色的水仙花迎春开放,.
A hostile takeover is when the target company did not invite or approve an offer to its shareholders. 一种敌对的接收方式就是当目标企业并没有邀请该企业收购,或目标企业的股东没有通过决议。
A hot bath is a great refreshment after a day's work. 在一天工作之後洗个热水澡真是舒畅。
A hot bath is a great refreshment after a day's work. 在一天工作之后洗个热水澡真是舒畅。
A hot bath will refresh you. 洗个热水澡,你就会恢复精神的。
A hot bowl of soup not only nourishes but also comforts people and we would not want to relinquish that. 一碗热汤不仅有营养而且使人舒心,我们是不会舍弃的。
A hot coal fall out of the fire and burn the carpet. 火炉里掉出一块炽热的煤把地毯烧了。
A hot coal fell out of the fire and burnt the carpet. 火炉里掉出一块炽热的煤把地毯烧了.
A hot coal from the stove burnt a hole in the rug. 火炉中的一块热煤炭把地毯烧了一个洞。

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