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It is insanity to drive a car without any brakes.

It is inevitable that new problems will emerge in the process of fast growing economic and trade cooperation and it is a long-term task of both countries to resolve these problems. 在中美经贸合作快速发展的进程中,难免出现新的问题,解决这些问题是中美双方共同的长期任务。
It is inexcusable that Europe has failed to overhaul its system, which is supplied by a ridiculous 34 different providers organised largely around national boundaries. 美国只有一个供应商,但是它的系统的早在1950年就已经开成了。
It is informed celadon tomb figures have also been discovered in other places of China, but the two in Xiaoshan are the only pair with such a big size and unique shape. 据介绍,在国内其他地方也发现过青瓷人物俑,但体积这样大,造型如此独特的,只有萧山的这一对。
It is inhabited by the world's largest population of one-horned rhinoceroses, as well as many mammals, including tigers, elephants, panthers and bears, and thousands of birds. 这个公园里生活着世界上最大种群、最多数量的独角犀牛,还有许多其他哺乳动物,包括老虎、大象、豹、熊和数以千计的鸟类。
It is inherently unfair that we should be able to choose the genetics of our offspring. 我们竟能够给我们的后代选定遗传性,这一点从本质上来说是不公正的。
It is insanity to drive a car without any brakes. 驾驶没有煞车的汽车确是愚不可及。
It is insensible for a brand to be literally translated from one language into another; instead, some specific techniques must be employed to display the original linguistic quality. 把商标从一种语言翻译成另一种语言是很不明智的,我们应该使用一些翻译技巧来保持商标自己的语言特色。
It is insignificance if the sentence translated word by word. 这个句子如果逐字翻译就没有意义了。
It is insoluble in water and acid, but dissolves in caustic soda and hydrofluoric acid without separation under high temperature. 不溶于水及酸,深于苛性钠、氢氟酸,受高温不分解。
It is inspired by the historic traditions of cultural exchange along the ancient trade route, the Silk Road, which connected East and West. 这个灵感是来自于通过连接东方西方的古代贸易路线——丝绸之路——进行的具有历史意义的文化交流传统。
It is instinct to learn fly for bird. 鸟儿学飞是出于本能。

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