It's been done, and, for better or worse, we can't change it now.
事已至此,无论是好是坏,已无法改变. |
It's been dragged into line by other fishing nations after it was found to have plundered the world's stocks of southern bluefin tuna.
在被抓获肆掠世界的南部蓝鳍金枪鱼资源后,日本在其他捕鱼业国家的压力下被迫同意遵守其违背的协定。 |
It's been extremely heartening to me in my gerontology career how rarely this argument has been used against me, even out of my hearing.
在我的老年学生涯中,极为激励我的是,这一点曾经及其罕见地被用来反对我,即使在背后也是这样。 |
It's been flowery in the southern part of the country.
上面的照片是一位南方的朋友给我传来的。 |
It's been getting really hot lately - I think we're in for a scorcher this summer.
最近开始真的热起来了——我看这个夏天我们是要在酷热中度过了。 |
It's been good so far this week.
这周的天气一直不错。 |
It's been here all along…
一直都在这里… |
It's been hot for days, many people come and swim for the cool water. It's an extra gift to have such scenery.
最近天气比较热,清凉的河水自然吸引了不少人来游泳。能够看到这样的景色,也是一份意外的收获。 |
It's been looking like rain for several days.
这几天一直像要下雨的样子。 |
It's been more than 100 years since American novelist Mark Twain offered those words of wisdom, but what was true then, remains true today: If you don't take the risk, you'll regret it.
美国小说家马克?吐温百多年前提出的这句至理名言,迄今依然适用,其深义是:人若不冒险一试,便会后悔莫及。 |
It's been nice talking to you.
能跟你谈话真好。 |