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“The situation hasn't changed, aside from the fact that Genoa have now leapfrogged Napoli and are in second place.

“The second phase of the project starts from May 1. “第二期工程从5月1号开始,有何不对?”
“The secret,”Mom said,“ is to get this piece of the zipper to fit in the other side before you try to zip it up。” “秘密就在于,”妈妈说,“先要把这边拉链和另一边拉链对好,才能拉起。”
“The self-righteous,legalists have made a big mistake in thinking they can define the software development process. “自以为是的立法者(人类)犯下了一个大错,以为自己能定义整个软件开发过程。
“The semantic web aims to allow computers to extract useful information from data on the net. 语义万维网之目标是让计算机从网络中的数据中获取有用的信息。
“The service humanity, the attention health” is the Xinhui pharmaceutical industry to common people's dignified pledge, “the good faith strives for realism, the innovation strives for strongly, the pursue is remarkable” is the enterprise spirit which the “服务人类,关注健康”是新辉药业对世人的庄严承诺,“诚信求实,创新求强,追求卓越”是新辉药业发奋图强的企业精神,“用户至上,超值服务”是新辉药业永恒不变的经营宗旨,“重视科技,人才为本”是新辉药业永创辉煌的基石。
“The situation hasn't changed, aside from the fact that Genoa have now leapfrogged Napoli and are in second place. “形势还没有变,除了热那亚超越了那不勒斯升至第二。”
“The situation which Nietzsche feared more than a hundred years ago, the situation in which historiography itself impedes our view of the past, seems to have become reality. 「大约100年前令尼采感到恐惧的情形、历史编纂自身阻止我们评论过去的情形看来成为了现实。」
“The songs deal with a hope and reliance on Jesus. 意思是这首歌散播著希望与对耶稣的信仰。
“The support has been overwhelming,” he said. “I got millions of letters from fans all round the world, and I'd like to thank them all for the positive thoughts and for taking the time to write. “球迷们的支持无所不在”他说,“我收到了来自全世界球迷的很多来信,我非常感谢他们的乐观态度和抽空写信。
“The system is working as a barrier to recruitment. “该体系对招生工作来说是个障碍。
“The team confidence is fine. As everybody saw in the first half against Tottenham, we had bounced back from the set-back against Barcelona and just got on with it. “队伍的自信挺不错。因为大家都看见在对托特纳姆的上半场比赛中,我们从对巴萨的阴影中恢复过来并延续下去。”

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