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No evidence was introduced before this court of a constitutional amendment, statute, or controlling appellate decision from Rhode Island that explicitly deems void or otherwise expressly forbids same-sex marriage,he ruled.

No big thing. Isn't Woody Allen's own wife younger than him? 我不在乎。伍迪爱伦的太太还不是比他年轻?
No comment,Andersen said on the Chelsea reports. “无可奉告”安德深就这一报道说。。
No difference was seen in survival rate and toxic effects were increasedwhen immunotherapy was added to chemotherapy, the researchers write. 研究者写道,当免疫治疗与化疗结合时,“未发现生存率的差异而毒性反应却增加了”。
No disrespect to Everton but every day I'm playing with better players and it's great because I'm still learning. “对埃弗顿没有敌意,但是每天我都与更好的球员踢球,并且我一直在学习新的技术所以我很高兴。
No doubt he had another appointment,said Mrs.Kangaroo,never mind,supper is ready. “他准是还有约会,”袋鼠夫人说,“没关系,吃晚饭吧!”
No evidence was introduced before this court of a constitutional amendment, statute, or controlling appellate decision from Rhode Island that explicitly deems void or otherwise expressly forbids same-sex marriage,he ruled. 他裁决道,“没有任何证据表明,宪法修正案、法令、罗德岛州的受诉判决明确地宣布其无效,或明令禁止同性婚姻。”
No fancy stuff, Doctor,he ordered, No gas or needles or any of that stuff. Just pull the tooth and get it over with. “大夫,不要太贵的材料”,他说,“不要麻醉气、麻醉针或者类似的东西,拨出牙就行了。”
No imprisonment without trialis a principle that goes into abeyance when the nation's security is in danger from terrorists. 当国家的安全受到恐怖分子的威胁时,没有审判便没有监禁这一原则也就停止不用了。
No legal papers or certificates? 没有合法文件或证书吗?
No light yet!he said in a slightly southern accent, and the housekeeper let the curtain fall again. 「还没点灯!」他用一种稍带南方的口音说道,那管家老妇便又把窗簾放了下来。
No man will be able to stand before you; the Lord your God will lay the dread of you and the fear of you on all the land on which you set foot, as He has spoken to you. 申11:25必无一人能在你们面前站立得住.耶和华你们的神、必照他所说的、使惧怕惊恐临到你们所踏之地的居民。

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