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Therefore, to some people the process of applying for a job can be nerve-wracking and incredibly difficult.

Therefore, to make internationalized software support a new language or culture, one must create a locale definition and fill up the required information, and things will work without having to touch the software code. 因此,要让国际化的软件支持一种新的语言或文化,必须建立一个区域定义并填入所需要的信息,这样软件就能工作而不需要改动代码。
Therefore, to play Guqin is one of the obligatory musical courses for all scholars of ancient China. 它汇世间万物之声于一体,集天地人三籁于一身。
Therefore, to prevent war from happening, realism has to be employed along with liberalism and constructivism. 因此,搭配自由主义以及建构主义的做法,才能弥补现实主义的缺憾,以防止战争的发生。
Therefore, to renew their concept of morality and value and teach them the concept of conflict so as to promote the ability to judgment is an effective way to remove the negative effect. 因此,更新大学生的道德价值观念、对大学生实施冲突观的教育、提高大学生自我价值的判断力是消除这种负面影响的有效途径。
Therefore, to solute and prevent this kind of dispute effectively, we must establish and consummate the husbands and wives property system, which is the basic premise. 因此,建立和完善夫妻财产制度成为解决和有效防止这种纠纷的基本前提。
Therefore, to some people the process of applying for a job can be nerve-wracking and incredibly difficult. 因此,对于一些人来说,找工作的过程既令人头疼也有着无法想象的难度。
Therefore, to take critical means as platform interconnection, establish core management system and prompt inner reform and supported policies are necessary. 为此,需要采取平台联网、制定核心管理制度以及推进内部改革和政策配套等关键对策。
Therefore, to the researchers of the eunuch history of Ming,“Wang Zhen Zhuanis the Important biography they have to read. 因此,王振传成为研究明代宦官历史者,必读的传记。
Therefore, to use it effectively, you need to write simple English and avoid flexible sentences and loose grammars. 因此,为了有效地使用它,你需要写简单的英语并且避免灵活的句子和松散的语法。
Therefore, traders must consider which players are in the market, since in the modern interconnected financial world, events that occur at any hour, in any part of the globe, can affect some or all parts of the investment community. 因此,投资必须考虑到到目前是哪些人正处于市场之中,因为在这密不可分的金融世界,任何时间任何地点发生的事件都会或多或少的影响到这个投资环境。
Therefore, traders must do everything possible to consolidate their established relations with the firms having previous business and try their best to develop and revitalize the trade by searching for new connections. 因此,商人应尽力巩固有业务往来的商行之间的关系,并须尽力去寻找新的贸易伙伴,以发展和振兴贸易。

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