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Article 30 A FFE that does not go through the formalities of social insurance for the employees should do it in a set time in line with the regulations of labor administrative department; if it fails to pay various social insurance in time, it should pay

Article 3. Unemployment insurance shall be closely incorporated with such employment services as vocational introductions, employment training and self-reliance, and shall be organized in an overall plan. 第三条待业保险工作应当与职业介绍、就业训练和生产自救等就业服务工作紧密结合,统筹安排。
Article 3. Water resources shall be owned by the state, that is, by the whole people. 第三条水资源属于国家所有,即全民所有。
Article 3. when setting up a hotel,the construction of its rooms, fire-fighting equipment, entrances, exits and thoroughfares, etc., shall allcomply with the relevant provisions of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Fire Control, and the 第三条开办旅馆,其房屋建筑、消防设备、出人口和通道等,必须符合《中华人民共和国消防条例》等有关规定,并且要具备必要的防盗安全设施。
Article 3.The international copyright treatiesmentioned in these Provisions refers to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (hereinafter referred to as the Berne Convention) to which the People's Republic of China (hereina 第三条本规定所称国际著作权条约,是指中华人民共和国(以下称中国)参加的《伯尔尼保护文学和艺术作品公约》(以下称伯尔尼公约)和与外国签订的有关著作权的双边协定。
Article 3.The computer management and supervision organization of the Ministry of Public Security is responsible for the security, protection and management of computer information networks and the Internet. 第三条公安部计算机管理监察机构负责计算机信息网络国际联网的安全保护管理工作。
Article 30 A FFE that does not go through the formalities of social insurance for the employees should do it in a set time in line with the regulations of labor administrative department; if it fails to pay various social insurance in time, it should pay 第三十条企业不为职工办理社会保险手续的,应按照劳动行政部门规定的期限补办;不按期缴纳各项社会保险费的,应当从逾期之日起按日加收应缴金额2‰的滞纳金。
Article 30 A bidder who, in consideration of the actual conditions of the project stated in the tender documents, intends to subcontract some parts of the project excluding the main structure and critical work after winning the project, shall make clear s 第三十条投标人根据招标文件载明的项目实际情况,拟在中标后将中标项目的部分非主体、非关键性工作进行分包的,应当在投标文件中载明。
Article 30 A book publisher shall, during the term of the contract, have an exclusive right to publish the work delivered to him for publication by the copyright owner. 第三十条图书出版者对著作权人交付出版的作品,在合同约定期间享有专有出版权。
Article 30 A lawyer who serves as an agent ad litem may consult materials pertaining to the case in accordance with relevant provisions, and may also investigate among and collect evidence from the organizations and citizens concerned. 第三十条代理诉讼的律师,可以依照规定查阅本案有关材料,可以向有关组织和公民调查,收集证据。
Article 30 A metrological supervisor who transgresses the law and neglects his duty,where the circumstances are serious,shall be investigated for criminal responsibility pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.If the circumstances are mino 第三十条计量监督人员违法失职,情节严重的,依照《刑法》有关规定追究刑事责任;情节轻微的,给予行政处分。
Article 30 A surviving spouse who remarries is entitled to dispose of the property he or she has inherited, subject to no interference by any other person. 第三十条夫妻一方死亡后另一方再婚的,有权处分所继承的财产,任何人不得干涉。

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