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I couldn\'t be more delighted,said Parry. He has decided to stay with us because he realises how much the club means to him.

I could strengthen you with my mouth, And the solace of my lips could lessen your pain. 伯16:5但我必用口坚固你们、用嘴消解你们的忧愁。
I could tell you lots and lots about this journey. “我的遗妇,我告诉你许许多多关于这次探险的事。
I could write a check and.... “我可以写张支票然后...”
I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country. “我无法在意大利安定下来,就好像生活在外国。”
I couldn't stop myself and I quoted from that historical tract,he said, referring to the 1997 French book, The Black Book of Communism, which concludes that Communist regimes around the world were much better at killing than governing. 他说:“我不能阻止我自己,我只是从历史小册子中引用而已”,他提到了共产主义黑史这本1997年出版的法国书,这本书得出这样的结论:全世界的共产主义政权愿意屠杀更甚于统治。
I couldn\'t be more delighted,said Parry. He has decided to stay with us because he realises how much the club means to him. 帕里说:“我实在太高兴了,他决定和我在一起,因为他明白俱乐部对他有多重要。”
I cry out to you, O God, but you do not answer; I stand up, but you merely look at me. 20主阿,我呼求你,你不应允我。我站起来,你就定睛看我。
I declare as the entrant that I and all other persons connected with my entry recognize and accept that the sole jurisdiction in all matters arising out of the race meeting is vested in the Organizing Committee and that none of us will contest before the 本人以提名人身份声明,所有与本人参赛之有关人员,已完全明白及接受当有任何事故发生时赛事委员会作出的任何裁决.本队的任何人员将不会向法庭提出任何民事或商业诉讼.
I declare as the entrant that to the best of my belief the driver(s) possess(es) the standard of competence necessary for an event(s) of the type(s) to which this entry relates that the vehicle entered is suitable and road worthy for the event having rega 本人以提名人身份深信,所提选之驾驶员是有自制和适当的能力参与比赛,以及参赛车辆是符合在道路及跑道上行驶作赛,本人及参赛者和所有队员同意在跑道上及其措施上所引起的意外全由我们自己负责.
I definitely want to maintain aggressiveness but be smart about it,Stoudemire said. It takes 100 percent effort to get it. 毫无疑问,我希望保持自己的侵略性,但与此同时,我也要更聪明一点。
I destroyed the Amorite before them, though he was tall as the cedars and strong as the oaks. I destroyed his fruit above and his roots below. 9我从以色列人面前除灭亚摩利人。他虽高大如香柏树、坚固如橡树、我却上灭他的果子、下绝他的根本。

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