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Investors who have recently dumped Asian shares may well kick themselves in a year's time.

Investors were believed to allocate current assets in order to derive as much enjoyment as possible from their lifetime consumption. 他们认为投资者分配其现有资产的目的是为了能从未来的消费中获得最大程度的享受。
Investors were concerned about three issues. 投资者主要关注三个问题。
Investors were hungry for high-yielding assets and banks and brokers could earn fat fees by pooling and slicing the risks in these loans. 投资者对高回报资产如饥似渴,银行和经纪人通过共同承担和分散这些贷款种的风险,回报颇丰。
Investors were unhappy about the risk. 投资者为这一风险而担心.
Investors who buy stock can trade their shares or keep them as long as the company is in business. 买入股票的投资者可以交易他们的份额或是在公司倒闭前持有股票。
Investors who have recently dumped Asian shares may well kick themselves in a year's time. 那些最近卖出亚洲股票的投资人在今后一年可能会打自己的嘴巴。
Investors who have recently dumped Asian shares may well kick themselves in a year's time. But then many of them are the same prescient investors who jumped into subprime mortgages. 那些最近卖出亚洲股票的投资者在今后一年内可能会打自己的嘴巴。但是过去不也是这些有远见卓识的投资人争相进入那次级房贷中吗。
Investors who take this route pay much higher fees in the hope of better performance. 采取这种方式的投资人为了取得更高的投资回报不惜缴纳更多的费用。
Investors will opt for the safe haven of Treasury bonds, whether they yield 4 per cent or 3 per cent. 投资者将转而选择美国国债作为避风港,不论这些债券的收益率是4%还是3%。
Investors worry that a long war will undermine an already soggy global economy by hurting consumer confidence and delaying business investments. 投资者担心长时间战争将使本来就不景气的全球经济雪上加霜,打击投资者信心和推迟商业投资。
Investors worry, apparently, that their money might turn out to be the Wall Street wizards' insurance should this theory be wrong. 投资者们却明显地感到担心,一旦这种理论错了,他们的钱有可能变成那些华尔街巫师们的保险金。

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