The Spanish police have refused to extradite a man wanted for a bank robbery in France.
西班牙警方拒绝引渡一个在法国抢劫银行而被通缉的人. |
The Sparks won championships in 2001 and '02, lost to Detroit in the '03 finals and were bounced from the first round by Sacramento last year.
火花队在01-02赛季获得了总冠军,03赛季在总决赛败给底特律,我们上赛季在季后赛第一轮就被萨哈拉门托队阻挡了前进的步伐。 |
The Spartan army must not go to war.
斯巴达军队不可以参战。 |
The Speaker is said with cited refueling and safety concerns.
该发言人说其为了飞机加油和安全隐患问题。 |
The Speaker sits at one end all in full fig, with a clerk at the table below.
议长穿着礼服坐在一头,下方桌子旁还有一个秘书。 |
The Special Administrative Region will pass its own legislation.
特别行政区将制定自己的法律。 |
The Special Care Unit, featuring 4 single-bed rooms, is equipped with advanced respirators, central cardiac monitoring and a 24 hours telemetry system. Adjoining the Special Care Unit is the Haemodialysis Unit.
特别护理部设有四间单人房,装设了先进的呼吸机,中央心脏观察及廿四小时电脑遥远监管心动系统,并设血液透析服务。 |
The Special Consultation Clinic has the service of physical check-up for the healthy children around 3-18 years old as our routines, such as internal medicine, surgery, ENT, Ophthalmology, and some examinations and tests: blood-test, hepatic function, fiv
特需门诊常年为3-18岁的健康儿童进行查体,查体包括:内、外科、眼科及五官科,辅助检查包括:血常规、肝功、乙肝五项、腹部B超及心电图检查。 |
The Special Consultation Clinic is located at the sixth floor of the new outpatient service building in the Beijing Children Hospital.
首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院特需门诊位于本院新门诊楼六层。 |
The Special Music Program (SMP) was designed 30 years ago to train talented young musicians in Taiwan.
摘要音乐班旨在培育音乐资优生,自成立于公立学校以来已有三十多年的历史。 |
The Spectacled Bear also lives in this biome.
有眼睛状花纹的熊也居住在这里。 |