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The atmosphere is 80 percent nitrogen, but in a form that is insoluble and unusable.

The atmosphere after the Communists came into Kuomintang territory was melancholy. 在共产党进入国民党统治区后,那里一片慌乱。
The atmosphere comprises a number of gases. 大气层是由多种气体构成的。
The atmosphere in the courtroom was electric. 法庭里的气氛令人振奋。
The atmosphere in the crowded hall became so stifling that two of the women passed out. 拥挤不堪的大厅里闷得令人窒息,两个妇女晕了过去。
The atmosphere in their office is very easy-going. 他们办公室的人很容易相处。
The atmosphere is 80 percent nitrogen, but in a form that is insoluble and unusable. 其中80%是氮,可是不溶于水,无法为植物利用。
The atmosphere is becoming thinner and strong sunlight scorches people. 臭氧层越来越薄,阳光越来越灼人。
The atmosphere is distinctly cosmopolitan, and one hears around one a great variety of languages. 置身于其中,你可以听到周围的人讲许多种不同的语言。
The atmosphere is lively and down to earth. 空气非常爽快舒适。
The atmosphere is one of uncertainty. One senses a distinct feeling ofa plague on both your housesand the voter looking towards the fringe parties to fill the political vacuum. 形势尚不明朗,可以感觉得到选民中有一种明显的情绪,认为“双方都该死”,他们期待着一些小党能填补政治真空。
The atmosphere is very stuffy in here can we open a window? 这 的空气很闷--咱们能把窗户打开吗?

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