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A ship appeared on the horizon.

A shepherd who cannot read will known more about sheep than the wisest bookworm. 一个不识字的放羊娃在有关羊的知识方面比饱读诗书的人所懂得要多得多。
A shepherd's name was Tomas, but he was called Tom for short. 一个牧羊人的名字叫汤姆斯,不过别人都简称他为汤姆。
A shield or shield-shaped emblem bearing a coat of arms. 盾状徽章表层带有武器的盾或盾状徽章
A shifty, dishonest person; a trickster. 骗子惯耍花招的、不诚实的人;骗子
A ship appeared on the horizon. 船出现在水平线上.
A ship appeared on the horizon. 船出现在水平线上。
A ship chartered by France carrying hundreds of French nationals arrived in Cyprus Tuesday. 法国包租一艘船星期二将数百名法国公民送抵塞浦路斯。
A ship could be seen in the distance. 可以看到远方有一艘船。
A ship equipped for laying explosive underwater mines. 布雷舰艇装备有布水雷装置的舰艇
A ship full of emigrants will soon leave for Canada. 一条载满移居外国者的船很快就要开往加拿大了。
A ship has board, hull and other parts. 如:船的结构一般有船甲板、船的上层建筑等。

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