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Thus it was all the more tragic that Anakin should lose the Jabitha.

Thus it keeps warm in winter and cool in summer. 在冬天可以有效的保持室内恒温,真正做到冬暖夏凉。
Thus it might be said that the state of the art of the moving image can be assessed by the degree to which it meets the mythopetic task of giving us myths suitable to live by in out time——visions that transmit to us the highest and best feelings to which 因此,或许可以说,电影艺术的境界可以通过它达到神话诗学的任务的等级评定——给我们这个时代生活的合适的神话,一种能够将人类拥有的最崇高、最美好的感情传递给我们的影像——通过这些形象在多大程度上赋予我们智慧所带来的喜悦来评定。
Thus it provides some approaches and practise experiences on promoting regular commercial development through law-based management. 由此可以看出,以法制化管理促进商业有序发展的途径和实践经验。
Thus it seems that the external transmission period of evolution, will have been just a very short interlude, between the Darwinian phase, and a biological, or mechanical, self design phase. 这样,进化的外部传递时期似乎将仅仅是达尔文式的[自发进化的]阶段和生物的或机械的自我设计阶段之间的短暂的插曲。
Thus it was Russian support staff who first learned to monitor their cosmonauts' speech rhythms for early signs of strain, and arrange surprise gifts in supply ships and cheery telephone calls from famous people and family members in response. 因此,俄罗斯的后勤人员首先学会了通过观察宇航员的说话节奏来发现过度紧张的先兆,同时也知道在补给船中带上令人惊喜的礼物和与名人或家人的愉快通话都会改善宇航员的情绪。
Thus it was all the more tragic that Anakin should lose the Jabitha. 于是,安纳金失去加比萨就更加具有悲剧意味了。
Thus it will be perceived much more distinctly by our intellect. 所以,规则也可以更为明白地被智性所掌握。
Thus it would result in an immeasurable loss and self-destruction to our nation. 那么对民族和社会的发展,都将是不可估量的损失和自我摧毁。
Thus it's strongly recommended NOT to skip this step. 强烈建议不要跳过这步骤.
Thus knowing Me as the most worshipable beneficiary of offering sacrifices and austerities; the Ultimate Controller of all planes of existence and the demigods thereof and the most merciful benefactor of all living entities achieves perfect peace. 如果一个人这样明白了“我”是纯粹奉献(牺牲,供奉,祭祀)和奉行苦行的最值得崇拜的受益者,是所有多维空间世界以及在其中居住的半人神的根本主宰,是所有众生最慈悲的恩主,他就会实现圆寂(完美的宁静)。
Thus language builds up classification schemes to differentiate objects by gender(a quite different matter from sex, of course) or by number. 所以,语言也建立了分类化图式以区别概念,例如性别(当然不同于生理「性」),或数字。

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