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Obstruction on the R/W, pull up and go around.

Obstruction also predisposes to infection and stone formation, and infection occurring with obstruction leads to rapid kidney destruction. 梗阻也可以使肾脏易于感染和形成结石,而发生于梗阻的感染则可加速对肾脏的破坏。
Obstruction in the movement of Aprons during doffing in modern cards. 新型梳棉机在落卷时皮板输送带(或皮圈,围裙)运行受阻。
Obstruction is one of the most important abnormalities of the urinary tract, since it eventually leads to decompensation of the muscular conduits and reservoirs, back pressure, and atrophy of renal parenchyma. 梗阻是泌尿道最重要的异常之一,因其最终使肌性管道及其容器失去代偿能力,发生反压及肾实质萎缩。
Obstruction of respiratory tract, circulation failure, and certain symptoms of central nervous system and dermal allergy. 答:呼吸道阻塞症状,循环衰竭症状,中枢神经系统症状及皮肤过敏反应症状。
Obstruction of the epidural catheter is an annoying and troubling complication when we practice epidural analgesia. 摘要当执行硬脊膜外腔止痛术时,硬脊膜外腔导管阻塞是令人讨厌及困扰的问题。
Obstruction on the R/W, pull up and go around. 跑道上有障碍物,拉升复飞。
Obstruction or vibration in the movement of roving traverse. 粗纱导纱器的往复运动引起振动。
Obstructionism is generally most evident at the stage of implementing a law. 在执行法案时通常最常见的就是蓄意阻挠。
Obtain 30,000 yuan of award of the national-level scientific and technological progress first prize, rewarding 20,000 yuan of second prize, third-class ones that rewarded rewarded 10,000 yuan; Obtain 20,000 yuan of award of the provincial scientific and t 获国家级科技进步一等奖的奖3万元,二等奖的奖2万元,三等奖的奖1万元;获省级科技进步一等奖的奖2万元,二等奖的奖1万元,三等奖的奖5000元。
Obtain a trade pass before the event so that you gain entry without queuing. Trade passes have provided a new dimension for exhibitions in Australia. 在交易会开始前获得贸易入场证,这样您就可以免去排队的麻烦而可以进入会场。在澳大利亚,贸易入场证要向展品提供一个新的尺度。
Obtain at his own risk and expense any export licence and carry out all inspection and customs formalities necessary for the exportation of the goods. 自担风险和费用,取得任何出口许可证,并办理货物出口货物所需的一切检验和海关手续。

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