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Horn TypeRegulating fabric guider, to offer stable covering stitch.

Hopefully, if he can stay fit he could play a part. “希望,他能很健康,能够成为队中的一部分。”
Hopefully, in two weeks and after a couple of good games for Newcastle, I will be even sharper. 有希望的是,在下面的2周内纽卡将会有些不错的比赛,我将会变得更强。
Hopefully, that will continue and he'll hopefully help us bring back some silverware this season. “希望这能保持下去,帮助我们夺得一些锦标。”
Hopefully, this removes the last rational reason for people to oppose stem cell research. “我们希望,这将消除人们反对干细胞研究的最后一项理由。”
Horace's not but sixteen vet.Mrs. Dunbar said regretfully. Guess I gotta fill in for the old man this year. “贺瑞斯不行,他才十六岁。”邓巴太太遗憾地说。“我想我今年得替一下我丈夫了。”
Horn TypeRegulating fabric guider, to offer stable covering stitch. 牛角式布诱导器:牛角式布诱导器使埋压拷克骨更为稳定。
Horn typeregulating tabric guide, to offer stable covering stitch. 牛角式布诱导器:牛角式布诱导器,使埋压拷克骨更为稳定。
Hospitals have to spend on IT now in order to cut costs in administration and personnel in the long term,argues Mr Crescenzo. “从长远来看,医院要想削减行政管理及人员成本,现在就必须在IT方面投入资金,”克雷申佐说。
Hotis the converse of cold. 热是冷的相反字。
Hotspur. No Percy, thou are dust, And food for-(dies) Prince Henry. For worms, brave Percy, fare thee well, great heart! 霍茨波:不,潘西,你现在是泥土了,你是--(死去)亲王:蛆虫的食物,勇敢的潘西,再会吧,伟大的心灵。
How Sheshach will be captured, the boast of the whole earth seized! What a horror Babylon will be among the nations! 41示沙克(就是巴比伦)何竟被攻取,天下所称赞的何竟被占据。巴比伦在列国中何竟变为荒场。

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