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In seven of the studies in the review, patients with unstable angina treated with tongxinluo and conventional treatment who underwent EKGs had better results than patients treated with conventional treatment alone.

In service to Ming emperor Zhu Di, Zheng's Treasure Fleet conducted widespread trade and diplomacy throughout the Indian Ocean. 郑和效忠明成祖朱棣,率领“宝船”船队在整个印度洋地区进行贸易与外交。
In setting up camp, disperse tents and the kitchen on durable sites. 扎营时,将帐篷分散开,在耐久的区域建立厨房。
In setting up the model of optimizing design of dewatering program, the goal function (reduction pressure coefficient) was to make surrounding ground settlement minimum under the promises of ensuring foundation pit draw down. 在降水优化设计模型的建立中,以减降系数为目标函数,在保证基坑降深的前提下,使周边地面产生的沉降最小。
In settling on island, the first building erected by a Spaniard will be a church; by a Frenchman, a fort; by a Dutchman, a warehouse; and by an Englishman, an alehouse. 在海岛定居时,西班牙人先造教堂;法国人先造要塞;荷兰人先造仓库而英国人则先造酒店。
In settling on island,the first building erected by a Spaniard wil be a church; by a Frenchman,a fort; by a Dutchman,a warehouse; and by an Englishman, an alehouse. 在海岛定居时,西班牙人先造教堂;法国人先造要塞;荷兰人先造仓库而英国人则先造酒店。
In seven of the studies in the review, patients with unstable angina treated with tongxinluo and conventional treatment who underwent EKGs had better results than patients treated with conventional treatment alone. 本文涉及的7个研究种,采用通心络和传统疗法治疗不稳定性心绞痛病人,心电图显示效果优于单独应用传统疗法。
In seventeen nineteen, the citizens of Charleston rebelled against the group of English men who controlled their colony. (作业第一句)在1719年,查尔斯顿的居民起义反抗统治殖民地的那群英国人。
In seventh grade he decided to go out for the cross-country team. 七年级的时候,琼尼决定参加跑步横穿全美的比赛。
In seventh grade, your idea of a friend was the person who helped you to study the social studies homework from the night before that you had. 七年级时,好朋友是在你需要交社会学科家庭作业的前一天晚上,帮你补习功课的人。
In seventh grade,your idea of a good friend was the person who let you copy the social studies homework from the night before that you hadn't done. 在七年级时,你心目中的好朋友会在交作业前一天晚上,把你未完成的社会调查家庭作业借给你抄。
In several cases, Shibuya used pepper spray and spray paint to fend off store employees, leading prosecutors to demand a sentence of nine years in prison. 涉谷在几起案件中使用喷雾器与喷漆击退店员,导致检察官对他求刑九年。

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